ITech Marathon 2017-2018

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The Department of Information Technology, through the iTech Club committee, conducted the third iTech Marathon Competition on March 20, 2018, at various venues such as the Multi-Purpose Hall, VIP Room, Hardware Laboratory, Network Laboratory and Computer Laboratories.

The event conducted under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Saif Bin Abdullah Al-Mamari, wali of Yanqul, commenced with the Holy Quran recitation at 9.15am, followed by a welcome message by Ms Nawal Al-Sawafi, Assistant Dean of Students Affairs (ADSA) at Ibri College of Technology. ADSA briefed about the objective and goal of the event. Later, the keynote speaker, Dr Muneesh Singh Chauhan, Head of Major / Software Development at College of Applied Science, Ibri, spoke about the impact of the theme “Smart School” in the present tines and discussed the difficulties encountered in its implementation.

A memento presented to His Excellency Sheikh Saif Bin Abdullah Al-Mamari, Wali of Yanqul, as a token of gratitude by Mr Younus Al Zaabi, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs (ADAA) in Ibri College of Technology. The inauguration ended after announcing the rules and guidelines by Dr Antony, for all the competitions to the participants.

The main aim of the event is to enhance the knowledge of IT as well as Math skills amongst the students and to encourage the students to participate in technical competitions. The competitions began at 10.00am which consisted of two categories, a project video demonstration and IT Marathon (Theme: “Smart School”) including four stages namely General Knowledge in IT, Programming Skills, Mathematics, and Network Design conducted in the labs. Parallel to these events, there was a session conducted in the VIP Hall, to provide guidance to the students in Industrial Engagement where many entrepreneurs and alumni exchanged their ideas and experiences to motivate the students.  The competitions concluded at 1.45pm.
Eight colleges participated in this competition, namely Al Musanna College of Technology, College of Applied Science, Ibri, Higher College of Technology, Ibra College of Technology, Ibri College of Technology, Nizwa College of Technology, Shinas College of Technology and Waljat College of Technology.

The winners of the above-mentioned competitions are:

  1. Project Video Presentation
    a.    First place: Shinas College of Technology, Shinas
    b.    Second Place: Ibri College of Technology, Ibri
    c.    Third Place: Nizwa College of Technology, Nizwa

  2. Marathon 2018
    a.    First place: Waljat College of Technology, Walijat
    b.    Second Place: College of Applied Sciences, Ibri
    c.    Third Places: Higher College of Technology, Muscat

Mr Younus Al Zaabi, ADAA, thanked all the participants, guests, appreciated the IT Department staff for making the event a grand success, and distributed prizes to the winners and certificates to all participants. The alumni and the speakers in Industrial Engagement received certificates and mementos. As per the feedback collected, all the participants were delighted to be a part of this event.

Read 786 times Last modified on Sunday, 22 April 2018 03:48
Monday, 26 March 2018 00:00 Written by  Ms. Henah Evangelene In IT Tags
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