Android Mobile Application Development Using MIT App Inventor

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The Information Technology Department, through the Staff Development Committee, conducted a workshop on “Android Mobile Application Development Using MIT App Inventor” on 6 November 2018 in Lab A-109.

  The speaker for the event was Mr  Someshvar Vashisht, lecturer in the Information Technology Department from Ibri College of Technology.

Mr Dilwar Islam, lecturer in the Math Section, assisted the speaker by helping the participants with their coding challenges. The objective of this workshop was to explain the processes of mobile application development, using a small case study.

During the workshop the speaker emphasised the following points: 

1. The use of mobile sensors such as Accelerometer and Proximity sensors 

2. The process to develop a mobile application using a small case study.

The workshop was well organised by the Information Technology Department. The speaker interacted with the participants and explained the concepts clearly. The workshop was conducted smoothly. A number of faculty members attended and cleared their doubts with the speaker. In the end, feedback was collected from members attending the workshop. The majority showed their satisfaction on the arrangements done. On the scale of 5, the average feedback was 4.17.

Read 441 times Last modified on Thursday, 15 November 2018 05:25
Thursday, 15 November 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr TVV Rama In IT
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