Student Centered Learning (SCL)

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The IT Department, through the Staff Development Committee, conducted a workshop about “Student Centred Learning” on 27 November 2018 in Room C004, Ibri College of Applied Sciences. The speaker for the event was Ms Iman Al Jassasi, lecturer in the IT Department, Ibri College of Technology. Mr Ahmed Nitash, Lecturer in the IT Section, assisted the speaker by helping the participants in doing the Course Delivery Plan (CDP) activity. The objectives of this workshop were to design an effective Course Delivery Plan by including SCL approaches and to link SCL Approaches with Bloom’s Taxonomy.

  During the workshop the speaker emphasised the following significant points: 

1. The definition of SCL

2. The researches which discussed SCL

3. SCL Approaches

4. Bloom’s Taxonomy

5. Effective CDP

The workshop was well organised by the SDC of both Ibri College of Technology and Ibri College of Applied Sciences. The speaker interacted with the participants and explained the concepts clearly. Groups which distributed according to their teaching course. The workshop was conducted smoothly and each group of participates presented the points requested in the activity. A number of staff members of the department attended and had the opportunity to discuss questions with the speaker. The event ended at 1:20pm. The Program feedback is 4.5 score 


Read 327 times Last modified on Thursday, 06 December 2018 05:57
Thursday, 06 December 2018 00:00 Written by  Ms Iman Al Jassasi In IT
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