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The Research Committee of the Information Technology Department conducted a workshop on 4 December 2018 on references, citation, and plagiarism, in Lab A109, by Dr Maimouna Al Munthari, Ibri College of Applied Sciences.

The objectives of the seminar were evaluating when to use primary or secondary sources for support, how to avoid plagiarism, explaining the importance of academic integrity, formatting paraphrased and summarised material, when to do the citation, and how to do references.

Dr Maimouna discussed the importance of referencing and citation and she mentioned the reasons behind them, when to do them and when to avoid them. In her session, she highlighted the methods for referencing. She mentioned two ways of referencing which are the Harvard method and APA style. She explained how to add a bibliography. 


Dr Maimouna discussed some examples of tools that are used for refracting, which are Endnote, BibTek for LaTex, Mendeley and Endnote in Microsoft. She mentioned the use of Grammarly that is used for checking of spelling, grammar and vocabulary. She demonstrated how to do referencing by using MS Word.    

In the end, feedback was collected from members attending the seminar. The majority showed their satisfaction with the arrangements. On a scale of 5, the average feedback was 4.45.


Read 226 times
Monday, 10 December 2018 00:00 Written by  Nasim Al Balushi In IT
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