The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology held its very first Alumni Gathering on Thursday, 5 April 2018 from 10:30am to 2:30pm, in the Multi-Purpose Hall.

To ensure the attendance of alumni, a number of staff members were tasked to call and contact them personally.  Also, the alumni contacted were encouraged to communicate with their friends and classmates to spread the invitation, in addition to the posted announcements and invitations sent via WhatsApp, published in the College website, as well as Facebook posts.  These efforts reaped a good turn up of at least 33 alumni present, and some of them even applied for leave from their work to be here. 

The Engineering Department held a series of Orientation Programmes on how to choose a specialisation in Engineering in the Engineering Physics 2 Laboratory Classes on March 12 and 13, 2018, depending on the class schedule of each of the seven (7) sections.

The Staff development Committee of the Engineering Department organized a program on Revised Blooms Taxonomy on 01 November, 2017 from 9.00am to 10.30am.

Dr. K. Elangovan, HoS, Mechanical Section, Engineering Department, conducted the program.

Blooms Taxonomy is a common tool for curriculum planning and instructional delivery and assessment. Blooms Taxonomy briefed about classification of thinking (six levels of complexity). After 40 years of application, it was revised in 1995, as the Revised Blooms Taxonomy. The nouns of building blocks of learning are replaced with action verbs to have a better understanding on higher level of thinking and learning.

The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organized a presentation on “Strategic Tools to Implement Student Centered Learning Activities” on 02 November, 2017 from 1.45pm to 2.45 pm.

Dr. Naveed Hussain, Lecturer in the Mechanical Section of the Engineering Department, conducted the program, followed by a short hands-on training for all teachers.

The Staff development committee of the engineering department organized a presentation on “The psychology on classroom interaction” on October 26, 2017 from 1.00pm to 2.30pm.

Mr.Andries Oberholzer, Lecturer in English language Centre, conducted the program.

The Research and Consultancy Committee, in association with the Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department, organized a Lecture, “Estimation of Calcium Deficiency by Medical Image Processing with Back Propagation Algorithm”, on October 26, 2017 from 9.00am to 10.00am.

Dr.G.Kumaravel, Lecturer, Engineering department, delivered the lecture. The presentation started with the calcium levels required for different age groups and the conventional methods available to detect the level of calcium in humans. The conventional methods use blood and urine samples, which are painful procedures for children and the accuracy of the results vary with drugs injected like Antacids, thyroxin and vitamin D pills.

The Staff Development Committee, in association with the Examination Cell Committee of the Engineering Department, organized an orientation program on examination procedures and activities, for newly appointed staff members on October 19, 2017 from 2.00pm to 3.00pm.

Mr. Antony Judice, Exam Cell Coordinator – Engineering department, conducted the program.

The presentation started with a brief explanation about the responsibilities of the Central Examination Committee. The guidelines to be followed during examinations by invigilators in the examination hall were discussed.

Other than invigilation procedures, procedures to be followed during emergency and students’ misbehavior during the examination were also elaborately explained.

All the participants benefited from this program.

The Engineering department Health and Safety Committee organized an orientation program on Fire Extinguisher Demonstration and Fire Safety on 19 October, 2017.

An invited lecture on the topic “Prediction and Prevention of Calcium Deficiency in Bones” by Dr. Vijay Shanmugam., MS(Ortho)., Specialist - Department of Orthopedics, Ibri Regional Hospital was held on 19th October 2017 (Thursday) between 11.00 am to 12.00noon.

The doctor focused on calcium rich foods that will supplement calcium requirements by natural means. What we consume before the age of 25 is the one that lasts long for our entire life period. Calcium supplements must be taken with the advice of a doctor for therapeutic purposes only. It should not be taken as a health supplement as this could lead to many side effects.

In a strategy employed since last academic year in order to reach more students, the Engineering Department held the Induction Program for New Engineering students in the CECE 1100 (Engineering Graphics) Sections’ class time; depending on class schedule of each section and the availability of the assigned speakers. This semester, there are 7 sections in Engineering Graphics. Thereby, the Induction Program was held from October 2-5, 2017, at the Graphics and AutoCAD Laboratory Rooms, depending on the agreed schedule.

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