Programmes on How Students Can Choose Specialization in Engineering

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The Engineering Department held a series of Orientation Programmes on how to choose a specialisation in Engineering in the Engineering Physics 2 Laboratory Classes on March 12 and 13, 2018, depending on the class schedule of each of the seven (7) sections.

The Heads of Sections, Dr V. Ilankumaran and Dr K. Elangovan, together with the Engineering Registration Coordinators, Dr Geetha and Mr Ragupathi, took turns in conducting the orientation programme.

This strategy of holding the Choosing Engineering Specialisation Programme in the Physics 2 classes has proven to be more efficient in disseminating important information and instructions to incoming Diploma 2 Engineering Students compared to calling for the target students to go to a single venue and schedule to attend.

Each of these students must decide for themselves which of the several Engineering Specialisations to take, if they want to continue in Ibri College of Technology or to transfer to other Colleges of Technology, how to apply for specialization in the Ministry System (CIMS), and some other related announcements.


Read 575 times Last modified on Monday, 16 April 2018 07:34
Monday, 12 March 2018 00:00 Written by  Ms. Lizette Ivy C. Pascual In Engineering Tags
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