First Alumni Gathering

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The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology held its very first Alumni Gathering on Thursday, 5 April 2018 from 10:30am to 2:30pm, in the Multi-Purpose Hall.

To ensure the attendance of alumni, a number of staff members were tasked to call and contact them personally.  Also, the alumni contacted were encouraged to communicate with their friends and classmates to spread the invitation, in addition to the posted announcements and invitations sent via WhatsApp, published in the College website, as well as Facebook posts.  These efforts reaped a good turn up of at least 33 alumni present, and some of them even applied for leave from their work to be here. 

Company representatives also arrived to speak on the current job market situation as well as to talk about company expectations from prospective job applicants.  Among those who came were: Mr Yasin Said Al-Yaqoobi and Mr Ali Said Al-Alawi of Omantel, Mr Mubarak Hamed Rashid Al-Ghafri and Mr Marwan Awadh Al-Yaqoobi of Majan Electric Company. 

Some alumni were also given the opportunity to speak and relate their difficulties while hunting for a job, their experiences on the job, and other useful advice and tips that worked for them which may be of help to others.

A very productive interaction session was also conducted wherein groups were formed to discuss with each other issues related to employment, employability, career opportunities, and so on. Each group was comprised of a company representative, staff members, alumni, and students.  The group discussions yielded much useful and worthwhile feedback.  It is hoped that this feedback will serve as a guide in making ways of bridging the gaps between the current aptitudes/competencies of IbriCT Engineering graduates and the job market expectations.

At the end of the interaction session, the notes on the discussions were shared with the group and further suggestions were obtained. 

After the programme, everyone was treated to lunch where all those present enjoyed each other’s company and strengthened relationships, and personal/professional networks that may be beneficial in the future were forged.  

The Alumni Gathering 2018 was organised by Mr Ragupathi Senthilvel and Mrs Lizette Ivy Pascual, with the support of Mr Nasser Al-Shammakhi (HOD), Dr K. Elangovan (HOS-Mechanical), and Dr V. Ilankumaran (HOS-Electrical and Electronics).


Read 835 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 May 2018 04:22
Sunday, 29 April 2018 00:00 Written by  Ms.Lizette Ivy C. Pascual In Engineering Tags
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