The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology held its very first Alumni Gathering on Thursday, 5 April 2018 from 10:30am to 2:30pm, in the Multi-Purpose Hall.

To ensure the attendance of alumni, a number of staff members were tasked to call and contact them personally.  Also, the alumni contacted were encouraged to communicate with their friends and classmates to spread the invitation, in addition to the posted announcements and invitations sent via WhatsApp, published in the College website, as well as Facebook posts.  These efforts reaped a good turn up of at least 33 alumni present, and some of them even applied for leave from their work to be here. 

Mr Yaseen Al-Yaqoobi, a team leader for maintenance of Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel), visited Ibri College of Technology on 13 February 2018 to deliver a lecture in the Engineering Free Access Lab on the networking structure of Oman. Around 20 Engineering students and a few staff members, including Mr Nasser Al-Shammakhi (Head of Department), were present. He was accompanied by a couple of his colleagues from Omantel and staff members from IbriCT’s On the Job Training office.

He presented the new project of Omantel, Fibre to the Home, wherein certain feasible areas and localities will be provided with new high speed, high fidelity data service via fibre optic cables.


The Industrial link committee of Information Technology Department arranged an industrial visit on Thursday, March 30, 2017 to Omantel, Ibri through the OJT coordinator Mr. Junath Nasser Ahmed. The objective of this visit was to provide and show real time operations and maintenance of Omantel telecommunication system to the students of ‘Principles of Data Telecommunications’ course.