Realization of Student-Centered Learning (SCL) in Information Technology Department

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The IT Department envisioned the implementation of Student-Centered Learning (SCL) in a more systematic manner. The Department Council constituted a pilot team to make the students and all teaching staff as well, understand the SCL concept. The pilot team was composed of Dr. E. Anupriya, Dr. Duhai Al Shukaili, Mr. Shaik Mastan Vali and Ms. Roselle Solitario. The team, through the Program Review Committee, came up with four models of implementing the SCL, based on four class of courses like: Application, Programming, Skill and Knowledge. The team developed various models based on the above class of courses like CASE Study Model, Prototype Driven Model, Master Mind Model and Skills Model.


Each member presented his or her assigned SCL model to the Department Council for review and feedback. Following it, the team members presented it to the subgroups of faculty members. Subgrouping of faculty was conducted based on subject discipline and past course handling experience. In each subgroup, the faculty members were subject to the SCL model, discussion on its pros & cons, outcomes, implementation challenges and the concrete model formulation. Synthesizing the SCL model intricacies, the members of the team presented the same to the entire teaching staff of the Department. Moreover, the Department Council, on completion of the SCL model presentation, encouraged every teaching staff to adopt any one or more models in their course delivery effective Summer Semester, AY 2016-2017 and reflect the same in their respective Course Delivery Plans. The outcomes of the implementation will be reviewed at the end of Summer Semester and accordingly, a plan of action will be prepared after getting recommendations and feedback from all the teachers.

Read 1059 times Last modified on Thursday, 25 May 2017 03:33
Thursday, 04 May 2017 00:00 Written by  Moza Al Balushi In IT Tags
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