Quality Assurance (20)

QAD staff at IbriCT, Ms. Heba Qurashi, Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Manthari and Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili, attended ISA Training Workshop in the Omani Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA) in Muscat on Wednesday 23 October 2019 from 8:00 to 2:45. This workshop was delivered by OAAA experts to staff from eight Higher Education Institutions (HEIs):

  1. Ibri College of Technology
  2. Higher College of Technology
  3. Nizwa College of Technology
  4. Shinas College of Technology
  5. Ibra College of Technology
  6. Al Musanna College of Technology
  7. Salalah College of Technology
  8. National University of Science and Technology 

The workshop included many interactive sessions related to ISAM, ISAA, Accreditation and the Accreditation Visit.  

The first workshop was delivered by Dr Khalid Al Muharrami about the aims of the training workshop and the role of OAAA in Institutional Accreditation. He also discussed the expected outcomes of the workshop and the schedule of the sessions. In this session, the accreditation system, the aims of the ISA, and differences between Institutional Quality Audit (IQA) and Institutional Standards Assessment (ISA) were discussed. 

In the second session, Ms Jenny Walker talked about institutional standards assessment process, timeline and ISAM. She also talked about the purpose of ISA, different stages of ISA, methods of rating against criteria and standards and method of reaching accreditation outcome. The workshop highlighted the different parts of ISAM and how HEIs can use it. 

In the third session, Dr Khalid Al Muharrami discussed how to complete Institutional Standards Assessment Application (ISAA) and how to rate criteria and standards. HE talked about key ISA stages and the steps taken to reach the accreditation outcome. 

The fourth session was delivered by Ms Susan Trevor about methods of analysis and using ADRI as an analytical tool to support self-assessment. This session included discussion on how to complete ISAA and how to apply ISA rating system to rate criteria and standards appropriately. 

Ms. Susan Trevor-Roper conducted the fifth session, which was a workshop activity about preparing commentary to support ratings and types of evidence to include when preparing ISAA. The session also included discussion on preparing commentary to support rating sand deciding on what evidence to include. IbriCT staff prepared a presentation about a criterion and presented it in front of OAAA and attendees. Positive feedback was received and the OAAA appreciated the presentation given by Ibri College. 

The last session was about preparing for a successful ISA visit. This session was delivered by Ms. Jenny Walker. In this session attendees learned about ISA interview requirements and protocols. The presenter also talked about logistic and support services that need to be provided to the panel during the visit. 

The OAAA experts appreciated the active and informed participation and engagement of IbriCT staff. They also appreciated the commitment of the College to the ISA process. IbriCT actively took part in the question/answer session and their answers were entertained. At the end of the workshop, trainers and attendees took a group photo. 


Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

To continue the innovative way of creating awareness on quality assurance, Quality Assurance Department decided to open seven QAD Shop branches.

On Thursday, 17 October 2019, QAD provided QAD shop materials like notebooks, brochures, progress steps, coffee shop and roller stand posters to all QACs in preparation for the scheduled inauguration today, 21 October from 9.30 AM to 12.50 PM. Each QAD shop branch opening was timed for 20 minutes.

The schedule for D/C was as follows*:







English Language Center

Dr Sultan Al Ghafri and Dr Maryam Al Ghafri

Ms Zara Arab

09.30 AM-09.50 AM


Information Technology

Dr Duhai Al-Shukaili

 Ms Iman Al Jassasi

10.00 AM-10.20 AM


Educational Technology Center

Mr Abdullah Al-Shukeily and Mr Said Al Manthari

Mr Roderick Oandasan

10.30 AM-10.50 AM


Administration and Human Resources

Mr Rashid Al Hinai

Ms Saada Al Shukri

11.00 AM-11.20 AM


Registration Department

Ms Moza Al Balushi


11.30 AM-11.50 AM


Business Studies

Mr Omar Al-Balushi

Dr Surendar Vaddepalli

12.00 PM-12.20 PM


Engineering Department

Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi

Mr Sreenivas Naik

12.30PM-12.50 PM

*Some of the names mentioned were not present; however, they sent proxies as their representatives.

The event was officially opened with the ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, Dean of IbriCT and QAD Chair, together with the respective HoD/HoSs, QACs, QAD Officers and D/C staff. 

Dean thanked each HoD/HoS for assembling the D/C QAD Shop branch. He requested them to assign staff as shopkeepers so as to serve the main purpose of the shop, which was to create awareness on quality assurance among stakeholders. He also added that quality assurance was a collective effort; therefore, team work was indispensable.

Each D/C QAD Shop branch was assembled beyond what was expected. For example, IT Department presented their brochures in a packet with a free chocolate as a motivational element. 

Meanwhile, from the ETC, Mr Roderick Oandasan, QAC, informed the team about his discovery that IbriCT is the first HEI in the world who had a QAD Shop Inauguration. He used laminated charts to show how he researched about his finding. The audience listened to him with great interest. 

On the other hand, the Administration and Human Resources Department prepared tea while the Registration Department, aside from offering chocolates, they also had flowers on the table.

Creative ideas were also solicited from different D/Cs, like Dr Sultan’s suggestion to have brochures also about their concerned standard to promote more awareness. This idea was welcomed by QAD Chair and Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head.

QAD Head relayed Dr Sultan’s suggestion to the rest of D/Cs and also requested additional creative contributions from them. However, the drafts must be reviewed first by QAD.

Ms Moza Al-Balushi, HoD Registration Department and Ms Basma Al-Alawi, QAC Officer, suggested having also brochures in Arabic so that other stakeholders like admin staff, parents, and other visitors would understand better the information. QAD Head responded by requesting them to help QAD in translating the brochures to Arabic.

D/C QAD Shop branch inauguration ended with a group photo session.

Engineering Department Information Technology Department 
Business Studies Department English Language Centre 
Registration Department Student's Affairs and Human Resource
Educational Technologies Centre  
Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

As part of continuous efforts to enhance the quality of work at IbriCT, QAD practices review of its activities and performance of the QAD staff on weekly basis. QAD Chair approved QAD annual plan for A.Y 2019-2020 on 8 September.2019. Every officer at QAD prepared an individual plan linked with the annual plan of QAD. These plans list all the tasks that should be accomplished in the A.Y. 2019-2020. These plans serve as a planning and a tracking tool to ensure timely and appropriate preparation for OAAA accreditation along with regular QA activities and functions at department and centers.

QAD assigned ambassadors to all departments and centers at IbriCT to provide additional and constant support in all QA related tasks. The following QA officers were assigned to be ambassadors different D/Cs:

  • Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili – QA ambassador for IT Department
  • Dr. Shaik Mastan – QA ambassador for Engineering Department
  • Dr. Abdulsalam Almanthari – QA ambassador for Business Department
  • Dr. Ansarul Haque – QA ambassador for ETC
  • Ms. Basma Al-Alawi – QA ambassador for Student Affairs Department and Administrative and Financial Affairs Department

QAD ambassadors to D/Cs submit weekly plan reports and weekly achievement reports to ensure that all tasks assigned are completed. They conduct weekly meeting with D/Cs to make sure that QA work is progressing smoothly and to spread the QA culture among all staff at IbriCT. In addition to weekly progress plans and weekly progress reports, QAD organizes meetings to discuss performance and monitor the progress made in its annual plan. QAD ambassadors/officers provide weekly progress reports to QAD Head. QAD Head reviews the performance reports and consolidates them as progress reports of QAD Officers. As per the results of the performance, star of the month is identified. This consolidated report is presented to the dean on Saturday meetings. In the same meeting the tasks accomplished and the tasks due are discussed.

As a result of QAD meetings the following QAD officers are announced as star of the month for semester 1:


Star of the Month

Meeting Dates


Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Manthari

Saturday 5 October 2019


Dr. Ansar

Thursday 7 November 2019


Dr. Shaik Mastan

Thursday 5 December 2019

Dr. Hamdan Al-Manthari always appreciates the efforts of QAD and encourages its approach of self-review. QAD will retain this practice for the enhancement of QA as a culture.


Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA, conducted the 360 Degree Staff Appraisal System Workshop on Wednesday, 9 October 2019 at the VIP room. He discussed the importance of the 360 Degree Staff Appraisal System and its benefits. For better understanding, the attendees watched a video clip on the topic.

Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, College Dean, Ms Nawal Al-Sawafi, ADSA, Mr Nasser Al-Shammakhi, Engineering Department Head, Mr Abdulah Al-Shukeili, ETC Head, Mr Omar Al-Balushi, Business Studies Department Head, Ms Heba Al-Qureshi, QAD Head and Dr Sultan Al Ghafri, ELC HoS, Dr Maryam Al-Ghafri, ELC HoS attended the workshop.

Ms Heba Qureshi and Ms Laly Antoney presented the Academic Staff Appraisal, Technical Appraisal and Classroom Observation Forms The attendees were divided into five tables.

 The following were the team facilitators and their corresponding members:

Table No

Team Facilitator

Team Members


Dr Maryam Al-Ghafri

Ms Fatma Al-Yahyai

Ms Sabha Al-Manthari

Ms Basma Al-Alawi


Ms Nawal Al-Sawafi

Ms Saada Al-Shukri

Ms Zainab Al-Mandhari

Ms Fatma Al-Ghafri

Ms Moza Al-Balushi


Dr Sultan Al-Ghafri

Dr Pugalarasu Rajan

Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari

Dr Mohsen Amiri


Mr Abdullah Al-Shukeily

Mr Nasser Al-Shammakhi

Mr Said Al-Manthari

Mr Sreenivas Naik


Mr William Ancheta

Mr Omar Al-Balushi

Dr Abdulrahamn Al-Ismaili

 Each table was asked to assign an appraiser, an appraisee and a presenter who would explain their work. As they rate based on the criteria, they could write comments on what they have observed and later present it during the discussion part.

Due to time constraints, only the academic appraisal form was done and an open forum followed. One of the major concerns was the staff evaluation by peers as raised by Mr Abdullah Al-Shukeily and Dr Maryam Al-Ghafri.

Dr Hamdan explained that restrictions like closed circle for peers would be done but only later on, when the picture becomes clear. It would be level wise for ELC and section wise for D/C. Mr Abdullah was requested to come up with a software and explain how to do it.

Ms Nawal asked about student evaluation. Ms Laly explained that student semestral feedback would be kept and the average score would be taken.

Other concerns were about Mr Nasser’s query on how a newly joined staff would rate senior staff. On the other hand, Mr Omar asked about how to know a person’s interest.

It was agreed that additional feedback would be emailed and the deadline for submission was the next day, Thursday, 10 October 2019.

Survey about the workshop was taken by Dr Abdulsalam through Mentimeter. The survey results show that the workshop helped the participants in understanding the importance of the implementation of the 360 Degree Staff Appraisal System.

Thursday, 05 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

On September 22, Ibri College of Technology attended a meeting with the strategic planning and balanced scorecard experts, Mr. Brett Knowles and Mr. Peter Watson, in Muscat. The objective of the meeting was to discuss IbriCT Strategic Plan based on BSC and a proposed layout of Operational Plan.

 The participants from Ibri College of Technology were:

  1. Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, the College Dean,
  2. Mr. Rashid Al-Hinai, Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs,
  3. Ms. Nawal Al-Sawafi, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs,
  4. Dr Duhai Al-Shukaili, Head of IT Department,
  5. Mr. Omar Al-Balushi, Head of Business Department, 
  6. Mr Basim Al-Mushaifri, Head of ELC,
  7. Mr. Abdullah Al-Shukeily, Head of ETC,
  8. Ms. Heba Qureshi,  Head of QA Department,
  9. Mr. Said Al-Manthari, Head of ESS,
  10. Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Manthari, QAD Officer,
  11. Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili, QAD Officer,
  12. Dr. Michelle Inciso-Mendoza, QAD Officer.

The experts commended the efforts of the Ibri College by saying that IbriCT is on the right track. They appreciated the college proposed draft of BSC based SP. Mr Brett, owner of PM2 Consultancy and BSC expert discussed the next steps to be taken by the college. Based on the proposed SP of IbriCT, he presented the strategic map of the college through spider strategy software. Dr. Abdul Hakim bin Hilal Al-Ismaili, DGTE, Dean Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari and other dignitaries also joined the meeting. Dr Abdul Hakim enquired from the experts about their opinion on IbriCT’s contribution. Mr Brett and Mr Peter Watson mentioned that as per the submitted draft of BSC based SP, IbriCT needs to start implementation only as the college is already on the right track. DGTE, Dr. Abdul Hakim, suggested IbriCT team to try to benefit from the session by asking questions and make sure that the concepts are clear. He mentioned that in the history of CoTs, this is the first time when concept of BSC is introduced for SP development and the Ministry is positive about its fruitful impact on Higher Education Institutions. The experts requested the DGTE, to help the HEIs with financial aid in buying the Spider strategic software, to see better results of BSC. The DGTE assured them that the Ministry will do its best to support the colleges to progress.

Head QAD, Ms Heba Qureshi told the experts that there are some further improvements to the college SP draft. She showed the final Strategic Map with some modified KPIs. The experts agreed with the modified KPIs and admired the college efforts. Assistant Dean Ms Nawal Al-Sawafi and Head ETC Mr Abdullah Al-Shukeli raised some queries related to Operational planning and KPIs. The experts entertained the queries with examples. Communication between the experts and IbriCT would continue for consultation purposes.

 Following points were highlighted in the review meeting:

  1. The KPIs at D/Cs can be different as per their role.
  2. The suggested number of KPIs is as few as possible 1-3.
  3. The college management may agree/decide upon some common strategic objectives and rest can be contributive.
  4. Any D/C may volunteer to prepare strategic map at D/Cs level.
  5. Although the college has already good number of strategic objectives and they are concise statements. However, the college may further reduce the number of words in each strategic objectives.
  6. Based on Strategic Management Process, a Management Cycle, the team was advised to review the Strategy Map objectives internally once a quarter.
  7. The experts explained to the team that in any system, it is 20% technical and 80% social. A strategy map is technical; thus, the team was also advised to use one of the suggested cloud based solutions.

The meeting was wrapped up with a suggestion coming from them that an “intellectual asset” which could help monitor its daily progress would be of great help. They promised to give be guiding and monitoring the progress of college SP in future via e-communication. A group photo was taken with the college team and the expert.

After the session with the expert, there was a follow-up meeting of the college team with the DGTE. He appreciated the efforts of college management and QAD in moving towards accreditation stage. He emphasized on the seriousness of college staff in realising the importance of this academic year as this is the year of accreditation. He told to the dean, that in January 2019, IbriCT would go through a mock audit. In that case, everyone shall contribute in preparation for it. He reiterated on the value of the awareness at college for students and staff. The dean, Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, assured the DGTE that IbriCT would do its best to achieve the target of accreditation. He said that the guidance of Technical experts, QD and PET at MoM plays a significant role in the progress of IbriCT. The meeting ended by 5:00 PM

Monday, 30 September 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

The Director General of Technological Education, Dr. Abdulhakim Al-Ismaili, the Performance Enhancement Team (PET) at the Ministry of Manpower, Dr Ali Saud Al-Mughairi, Assistant Director General for Technological Education, Dr Shakir Al-Musili, Engineering Expert in Technical Education, members from Quality Department (QD), and other official from Ministry of Manpower, visited Ibri College of Technology on Wednesday 11 September 2019 from 9:00 to 4:00 pm.

Sunday, 29 September 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

Ministry of Manpower organised a 3-days workshop for the Colleges of Technology from 4 to 6 September 2019 in the Higher College of Technology at Muscat. The workshop was attended by Deans, Assistant deans and QAD members from the seven Colleges of Technology

Monday, 23 September 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance Department (QAD) at IbriCT took the initiative to create awareness on quality assurance and ISAA related activities innovatively. 

In this regard, QAD conducted ISAA Gala and QAD Shop inauguration on 23 June, 2019 at 10.30 AM at the College reception hall. The event was officially opened with the ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, Dean of IbriCT and QAD Chair, together with Dr Ahmed Al-Mamari, Dean of ShCT, Mr Ali Al-Kalbani, Member of College Council, Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA and Ms Nawal Al-Sawafi, ADSA. 

Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head, welcomed the dignitaries, staff, students, parents and other guests. She also gave an orientation on the objectives of ISAA Gala. She mentioned that this ISAA Gala is an awareness campaign which will be continued throughout upcoming years and in each gala, two standards will be oriented to the stakeholders.

The importance of the event towards accreditation was explained by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari. 

QAD officer and Business Studies lecturer, Dr Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili, presented the purpose of QAD shop. He said that the idea of QAD shop was proposed on 18th of May 2019 to enhance the quality culture at college. QAD shop is actually a hub where ‘shoppers’ could go and look for things that catch their interest, including: QA leaflets on ADRI, brochures on SP, posters on college progress towards OAAA accreditation 2020, Quality Assurance Manual and the like are displayed on shelves. 

An informative and interesting ISAA Marketing video as a roadmap to OAAA accreditation with opinions of stakeholders was spearheaded by Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari, QAD officer and ELC lecturer. 

ISAA awareness series was commenced with the awareness on standard 1led by Dr Pugalarasu, member of Standard 1 Working Group and Head of Mathematics Section. He enhanced the knowledge of the stakeholders on Standard 1: Governance and Management.

To lighten the event and evaluate the learning of attendees on standards 1 and 2, Ms Heba Qureshi conducted a KAHOOT quiz on the said standards. The quiz also included some important information related to ISAM. At the end of the quiz, prizes were distributed to the winners. Mr Joseph Michel stood third, Ms Laly Anthony secured the second position and a parent of an alumnus got the first place.

A brief description of ISAA Standard 2: Student Learning by Coursework Programs was given by Dr Sultan Al-Ghafri, ELC Head of Section and acting chairman of standard 2.

Mr. Omar Al-Balushi, Head of Business Department, expounded the importance of surveys. 

Dr. Ahmed Mohammad Al-Mamari, Dean of ShCT, shared his views on the successful event. He congratulated the dean and the college for creating awareness innovatively. He was overwhelmed with the strategies that the college thought of. He commented that, with the shown enthusiasm and creative approach, he is confident that IbriCT will definitely be successful in achieving the accreditation.

Ms Nawal thanked the participation of parents, alumni and other stakeholders from the community.

Mr Basim Al-Mushaifri, Head of ELC, and Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA, appreciated the efforts of QAD in conducting this event and motivated the staff and students to visit the shop regularly and enjoy shopping at QAD shop.

To wrap up the event, Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari thanked the dignitaries, staff, students and other stakeholders for gracing the event and mentioned that the core objective of QAD is to create a culture of quality at IbriCT.  

In the end, the attendees were also requested to give feedback through Mentimeter. Mr Rashid Al-Hinai collected the feedback and interacted with the attendees meanwhile. Feedback results show that ISAA Gala and QAD Shop scored excellent response from the stakeholders. Most of the audience strongly agree that the event was a good initiative to follow the roadmap towards accreditation.

Coffee chat followed. The participants talked freely on quality assurance and at the same time enjoyed each other’s company over a cup of coffee and snacks. At the same time, they had the opportunity to go shopping at the QAD shop. 

ISAA Gala was ended with a photo session at 1:00 PM.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance TAGS

QAD conducted an awareness session for foundation students in order to prepare them for the upcoming OAAA audit 2020 on Thursday 13 June 2019 in the Lecture Theater. Students were divided into two slots:

  • The first session with Levels 3 and 4 students at 9 AM.
  • The second with Levels 1 and 2 students at 11 AM. 

QAD decided to orient the students on the following aspects:

  1.  College policies related to students.
  2.  To enhance students' knowledge on upcoming OAAA assessment audit. 
  3.  To enhance students' knowledge on the knowledge on OAAA quality audit in 2013.
  4.  Students roles as per college bylaws: its importance for students and staff.
  5.  Students' code of conduct.

The presenters were QAD Officers, Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari, Dr Abdulraman Al-Ismaili and Ms Basma Al-Alawi.

Dean of the College, Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari graced the first session and emphasized the significance of knowing about quality assurance. Feedback on the two sessions was taken by answering questions online using Mentimeter software. Feedback results show that students benefited from these sessions and wanted to have more awareness sessions. 90% of the students strongly agreed that the session was beneficial and it has improved their prior knowledge about policies and QA related matters. They asked the several questions from the Dean and participated in fruitful discussions.


Wednesday, 19 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

تم تفعيل النظام الإلكتروني ( نظام الوثائق) في الكلية في فبراير 2015م ، حيث تم عقد ورشة بتاريخ 3/12/2018 من إعداد وتقديم الفاضلات / ريا بنت ماجد المعمرية وإيمان بنت عبدالله الهنائية  وتم إعطاء نبذة للموظفين عن كيفية إستخدام النظام وآلية التحويل الإلكتروني للوثائق إضافة إلى ذلك طريقة حفظ الخطابات في الملفات والحافظات والمدة الزمنية للحفظ .

Tuesday, 04 December 2018 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance
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