The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology participated in the Fifth International Conference on Technology, Language and Literature: Intersections and Convergences at Buraimi University College, on 4 and 5 December 2019. Thirty teams from different universities across the globe including California State University, Northridge, USA; British University in Dubai, University of Sharjah, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia; University of Bamenda- Cameroon; Anhui Xinhua University, China; University of Hawaii in Hilo, Hawaii, USA; Sultan Qaboos University etc. presented their research work in the international forum. A paper titled, “A Smart Integrated Control and Safety System for Automobiles” from the Engineering Department staff of Ibri College of Technology was accepted for presentation in the BUC Conference. The paper was based on a project funded by Ibri College of Technology under the Research Funding Programme, which dealt with design and development of an automated system for automobiles, which can detect the use of mobile phones while driving and automatically disconnect mobile data and other multimedia applications remotely, so that the driver is forced to concentrate only on driving. The project team members were Mr Abid Siddique, Dr Rehna Veerankutty Jameela, Mr Sreenivas Naik, Mr Abdul Hafiz Sajid (from the Engineering Department, IbriCT) and Mr Someshuar Vashisht (Lecturer, IT Department, Ibri College of Technology). The paper presentation was scheduled on 5 December at 9.30 am in Session 4, Auditorium 1. Mr Abid Siddique, Dr Rehna V. J and Mr Sreenivas Naik presented the paper at the conference. The project was much appreciated by the conference chairs, management of BUC; keynote speakers from California State University, Northridge; and the international audience.

Thursday, 12 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Ibri College of Technology, represented by Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, HRM lecturer, Ms Sabha Al-Manthari and Ms Sadaa Al-Shukri, HR Officers, participated in the 5th Annual Conference in Human Resources (HR) field from 10 to 12 December 2019 at Oman Convention and Exhibition Center. The conference was organised by the Omani Society for Human Resources Management (OSHRM), the first and only such entity in Oman, run by members from both the private and public sectors, to exchange knowledge, experiences and practices in the field of HR. The main aim of the conference was to bring together a diverse group of thought leaders and practitioners on a common platform to share their practical experiences with the audience. 

          On the first day, a series of workshops were delivered on different HR-related topics, including talent management, creating a mentally healthy workplace, the art of building and measuring employee experience, building a coaching culture, and building HR capability to support leaders. On the second day of the conference, Dr Ghalib Al-Hosni, the President of OSHRM, delivered an opening speech to the audience and briefed them about the agenda of the conference. Local and international speakers discussed several issues in businesses such as the power of autonomy, the culture of leadership, the importance of emotional intelligence, coaching for powerful transformation, and harnessing excitement in the workplace. On the third day, different topics were discussed, including the landscape of future jobs, HR at the heart of technology, recruitment and technology, human capital, and access to professional and educational opportunities in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).


Thursday, 12 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The Risk Management Committee coordinator of the Information Technology Department organised an awareness programme on risk identification to all the department coordinators and staff members on 21 November 2019 from 09 to 10 am.

This awareness programme focused on the risk management policy, various methods involved in risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment and risk monitoring. As a part of the programme, an awareness was given on the risk register of the Information Technology Department. 

At the end of the session all committee coordinators were requested to prepare potential risks and recommended solutions for their respective committees. All Information Technology Department committee coordinators and department Risk Management committee coordinators from Student Affairs, Human Resources, and the Business Department attended and benefited from this programme.


Thursday, 12 December 2019 00:00 Written by in IT

On 13 November 2019, 19 Bachelor’s students with lecturer Mr Antony Judice Alexcius of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Section, Ibri College of Technology, visited Muscat Air Traffic Control Centre (ACC), governed by the Public Authority for Civil Aviation (PACA). Mr Nasser Salim Al Mazroi, acting director of the Air Navigation Department, PACA, welcomed us and gave the introductory presentation regarding air navigation systems of Muscat International Airport and other five airports of Oman. He explained the functions of air traffic control centre, metrology department and ATM (Air Traffic Management) systems.  

As per Mr Nasser’s presentation, there are three different control systems to enable navigational aids. They are Direct control, Approach control and Area control. Muscat international Airport is equipped with an advanced 3D Tower simulator, ATC Towers and Control systems. Muscat ACC handles nearly 1600 flights per day, which was just 700 flights three years before. Oman’s airspace is one of the busiest airspaces in the Middle East. 

In order to manage the heavy traffic in Oman’s airspace, it has been divided into seven sectors. Each sector is enabled with two controllers to ensure safety. There are two surface movement radars installed at Muscat Airport. The PACA Training department staff gave us the brief introduction regarding navigation system like VHF omnidirectional range, distance measuring equipment, instrument landing system, localiser, glide slope, marker beacons, etc. The prime difference between primary radar and secondary radar was explained. 

The secondary radar sites were also explained by the trainer. Finally, they brought us to see the ACC. The functions and the various responsibilities of Air Traffic Control officers were explained in real time by the trainer. Some of the functions of the ACC are instructing the movement of aircraft, ensuring the minimum distance to be maintained between aeroplanes and to handle unexpected events an emergency etc.

Benefits of the ACC Muscat visit

1) Students got a chance to interact with air traffic controller officers (ATCO) and understand how to become an air traffic controller officer in the future. 

2) Students could understand and the concepts of air traffic management and navigation systems.  

3) The ACC visit enhanced the students’ insight towards Telecommunications Engineering and aviation careers.

4) Identified the job and training opportunities that are being provided by the Public Authority for Civil Aviation. 

5) Students recognised the working nature and functions of the aviation industry. 

6) Realised the importance of using different types of radar systems for air traffic management.

Questions were raised by the students and these were clarified by the PACA trainers. Certainly, all the students benefited from this visit.


Thursday, 12 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Staff development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a programme on Mathematical Modelling of Power Converters and Motors Using MATLAB on 10 October 2019 from 1.30 to 2.30 pm in B007 Electrical Principles Lab.

 Dr Muruganandam, lecturer, Electrical Section, Engineering Department, delivered a presentation on how to develop the model for power electronic converters and DC motors using MATLAB simulation. He started his presentation with an overall introduction about power electronic converters and modelling of power electronics converters. His presentation mainly focused on development of mathematical model using the modelled equations for converters and motors. He also explained the basics of MATLAB simulation and how to use the math operation tools for modelling the converters and motors.

He demonstrated the working of modelled power electronic converter and DC motors using MATLAB Simulink software. The hands-on training was given to all participants. The participants developed the modelling for power converters and DC motors and tested the performance of converters and motors.

This programme was well-received by the staff and highly beneficial to the participants.


Wednesday, 11 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

As part of continuous efforts to enhance the quality of work at IbriCT, QAD practices review of its activities and performance of the QAD staff on weekly basis. QAD Chair approved QAD annual plan for A.Y 2019-2020 on 8 September.2019. Every officer at QAD prepared an individual plan linked with the annual plan of QAD. These plans list all the tasks that should be accomplished in the A.Y. 2019-2020. These plans serve as a planning and a tracking tool to ensure timely and appropriate preparation for OAAA accreditation along with regular QA activities and functions at department and centers.

QAD assigned ambassadors to all departments and centers at IbriCT to provide additional and constant support in all QA related tasks. The following QA officers were assigned to be ambassadors different D/Cs:

  • Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili – QA ambassador for IT Department
  • Dr. Shaik Mastan – QA ambassador for Engineering Department
  • Dr. Abdulsalam Almanthari – QA ambassador for Business Department
  • Dr. Ansarul Haque – QA ambassador for ETC
  • Ms. Basma Al-Alawi – QA ambassador for Student Affairs Department and Administrative and Financial Affairs Department

QAD ambassadors to D/Cs submit weekly plan reports and weekly achievement reports to ensure that all tasks assigned are completed. They conduct weekly meeting with D/Cs to make sure that QA work is progressing smoothly and to spread the QA culture among all staff at IbriCT. In addition to weekly progress plans and weekly progress reports, QAD organizes meetings to discuss performance and monitor the progress made in its annual plan. QAD ambassadors/officers provide weekly progress reports to QAD Head. QAD Head reviews the performance reports and consolidates them as progress reports of QAD Officers. As per the results of the performance, star of the month is identified. This consolidated report is presented to the dean on Saturday meetings. In the same meeting the tasks accomplished and the tasks due are discussed.

As a result of QAD meetings the following QAD officers are announced as star of the month for semester 1:


Star of the Month

Meeting Dates


Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Manthari

Saturday 5 October 2019


Dr. Ansar

Thursday 7 November 2019


Dr. Shaik Mastan

Thursday 5 December 2019

Dr. Hamdan Al-Manthari always appreciates the efforts of QAD and encourages its approach of self-review. QAD will retain this practice for the enhancement of QA as a culture.


Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

To continue the innovative way of creating awareness on quality assurance, Quality Assurance Department decided to open seven QAD Shop branches.

On Thursday, 17 October 2019, QAD provided QAD shop materials like notebooks, brochures, progress steps, coffee shop and roller stand posters to all QACs in preparation for the scheduled inauguration today, 21 October from 9.30 AM to 12.50 PM. Each QAD shop branch opening was timed for 20 minutes.

The schedule for D/C was as follows*:







English Language Center

Dr Sultan Al Ghafri and Dr Maryam Al Ghafri

Ms Zara Arab

09.30 AM-09.50 AM


Information Technology

Dr Duhai Al-Shukaili

 Ms Iman Al Jassasi

10.00 AM-10.20 AM


Educational Technology Center

Mr Abdullah Al-Shukeily and Mr Said Al Manthari

Mr Roderick Oandasan

10.30 AM-10.50 AM


Administration and Human Resources

Mr Rashid Al Hinai

Ms Saada Al Shukri

11.00 AM-11.20 AM


Registration Department

Ms Moza Al Balushi


11.30 AM-11.50 AM


Business Studies

Mr Omar Al-Balushi

Dr Surendar Vaddepalli

12.00 PM-12.20 PM


Engineering Department

Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi

Mr Sreenivas Naik

12.30PM-12.50 PM

*Some of the names mentioned were not present; however, they sent proxies as their representatives.

The event was officially opened with the ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, Dean of IbriCT and QAD Chair, together with the respective HoD/HoSs, QACs, QAD Officers and D/C staff. 

Dean thanked each HoD/HoS for assembling the D/C QAD Shop branch. He requested them to assign staff as shopkeepers so as to serve the main purpose of the shop, which was to create awareness on quality assurance among stakeholders. He also added that quality assurance was a collective effort; therefore, team work was indispensable.

Each D/C QAD Shop branch was assembled beyond what was expected. For example, IT Department presented their brochures in a packet with a free chocolate as a motivational element. 

Meanwhile, from the ETC, Mr Roderick Oandasan, QAC, informed the team about his discovery that IbriCT is the first HEI in the world who had a QAD Shop Inauguration. He used laminated charts to show how he researched about his finding. The audience listened to him with great interest. 

On the other hand, the Administration and Human Resources Department prepared tea while the Registration Department, aside from offering chocolates, they also had flowers on the table.

Creative ideas were also solicited from different D/Cs, like Dr Sultan’s suggestion to have brochures also about their concerned standard to promote more awareness. This idea was welcomed by QAD Chair and Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head.

QAD Head relayed Dr Sultan’s suggestion to the rest of D/Cs and also requested additional creative contributions from them. However, the drafts must be reviewed first by QAD.

Ms Moza Al-Balushi, HoD Registration Department and Ms Basma Al-Alawi, QAC Officer, suggested having also brochures in Arabic so that other stakeholders like admin staff, parents, and other visitors would understand better the information. QAD Head responded by requesting them to help QAD in translating the brochures to Arabic.

D/C QAD Shop branch inauguration ended with a group photo session.

Engineering Department Information Technology Department 
Business Studies Department English Language Centre 
Registration Department Student's Affairs and Human Resource
Educational Technologies Centre  
Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

QAD staff at IbriCT, Ms. Heba Qurashi, Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Manthari and Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili, attended ISA Training Workshop in the Omani Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA) in Muscat on Wednesday 23 October 2019 from 8:00 to 2:45. This workshop was delivered by OAAA experts to staff from eight Higher Education Institutions (HEIs):

  1. Ibri College of Technology
  2. Higher College of Technology
  3. Nizwa College of Technology
  4. Shinas College of Technology
  5. Ibra College of Technology
  6. Al Musanna College of Technology
  7. Salalah College of Technology
  8. National University of Science and Technology 

The workshop included many interactive sessions related to ISAM, ISAA, Accreditation and the Accreditation Visit.  

The first workshop was delivered by Dr Khalid Al Muharrami about the aims of the training workshop and the role of OAAA in Institutional Accreditation. He also discussed the expected outcomes of the workshop and the schedule of the sessions. In this session, the accreditation system, the aims of the ISA, and differences between Institutional Quality Audit (IQA) and Institutional Standards Assessment (ISA) were discussed. 

In the second session, Ms Jenny Walker talked about institutional standards assessment process, timeline and ISAM. She also talked about the purpose of ISA, different stages of ISA, methods of rating against criteria and standards and method of reaching accreditation outcome. The workshop highlighted the different parts of ISAM and how HEIs can use it. 

In the third session, Dr Khalid Al Muharrami discussed how to complete Institutional Standards Assessment Application (ISAA) and how to rate criteria and standards. HE talked about key ISA stages and the steps taken to reach the accreditation outcome. 

The fourth session was delivered by Ms Susan Trevor about methods of analysis and using ADRI as an analytical tool to support self-assessment. This session included discussion on how to complete ISAA and how to apply ISA rating system to rate criteria and standards appropriately. 

Ms. Susan Trevor-Roper conducted the fifth session, which was a workshop activity about preparing commentary to support ratings and types of evidence to include when preparing ISAA. The session also included discussion on preparing commentary to support rating sand deciding on what evidence to include. IbriCT staff prepared a presentation about a criterion and presented it in front of OAAA and attendees. Positive feedback was received and the OAAA appreciated the presentation given by Ibri College. 

The last session was about preparing for a successful ISA visit. This session was delivered by Ms. Jenny Walker. In this session attendees learned about ISA interview requirements and protocols. The presenter also talked about logistic and support services that need to be provided to the panel during the visit. 

The OAAA experts appreciated the active and informed participation and engagement of IbriCT staff. They also appreciated the commitment of the College to the ISA process. IbriCT actively took part in the question/answer session and their answers were entertained. At the end of the workshop, trainers and attendees took a group photo. 


Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

The QAD conducted an awareness session for IT students in order to inform them of the importance of QA and in order to prepare them for the upcoming OAAA audit 2020 on Tuesday 24 September 2019 in the VIP Room.

The awareness sessions oriented the students on OAAA audit, policies related to students, the quality audit in 2013 outcomes, the actions taken following the audit, the importance of QA to students and the college. Several other issues related to QA were also discussed.

This awareness session was conducted by QA officers Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Manthari and Ms. Basma Al-Alawi. 

Dean of the College, Dr. Hamdan Al-Manthari graced the session and emphasized the importance of student engagement and being aware of QA and the OAAA Audit. Students actively interacted with the College Dean and with QAD officers during the session. Mentimeter was used to get feedback from students and it showed that 90% of students benefited from the sessions and believe that future awareness sessions should be conducted.

QAD will continue conducting awareness sessions for all College students and staff in order to increase their awareness of QA and increase their preparedness for the OAAA audit.


Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

Technical experts from Bahwan CyberTek gave a proposal to IbriCT on the use of their software 'DropThought' to help the College improve its process of conducting surveys or capturing any feedback.

QAD arranged a meeting with the experts from Bahwan CyberTek on Tuesday, 22 October 2019 at the VIP Room to orient the staff about this software. Dr Hamdan Al Manthari, College Dean and QAD Chair, Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA; Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head; Mr Omar Al-Balushi, Business Studies Department Head; Mr Abdullah Al-Shukeily, ETC Head; Mr Nasser Al-Shammakhi, Engineering Department Head; Ms Moza Al-Balushi, Registration Department Head; Dr Maryam Al-Ghafri, ELC HoS; Dr Sultan Al-Ghafri, ELC HoS; Research Team; Self-appraisal Technical Team and QAD Officers attended.

Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA, welcomed Mr Tahir and Mr Satya, the Bahwan CyberTek delegates.

Mr Tahir started his presentation by describing the DropThought key features, such as any-channel feedback collection across touch points, text analytics, easy and instant identification of what is working and what is not and its way of enhancing every aspect of the classroom. Moreover, he enumerated what sets DropThought apart, reasons why students love it and their experience journey. 

Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari requested the staff to see its features and check if it fits what the College requires. 

Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head, thanked the Bahwan CyberTek delegates for orienting the college regarding the software.

Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari, QAD Officer, asked the attendees to answer survey questions regarding the software through Mentimeter. The results show that speakers are good at explaining the features of the software, but staff need to understand better how the software could address college survey and data collection needs.

On 26 October 2019, the College decided not to use the DropThought software presented and suggested by Bahwan Cybertek, but instead to develop its own software on Staff Development Management System. 


Monday, 09 December 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance