In order to enhance the research skills of the faculty members, the SDC Committee of Business Studies Department organized an online workshop on “Citation Management Using Mendeley” on 13th December 2022 from 12 to 13 PM. The workshop started with a welcoming address by Dr. Manjula Veerabhadrappa. Then, she invited the speaker, Dr. Itam Urmila, to deliver the workshop. The speaker started her presentation by highlighting the importance of using Mendeley as a citation tool for research activities. She highlighted different aspects, such as how to download the program in a desktop, the use of annotation, how to add materials and articles, and many more. At the end of the workshop, Dr. Tamilselvan gave a vote of thanks to the speaker for sharing her knowledge with the staff members.

Thursday, 15 December 2022 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

Due to the importance of entrepreneurship and to give opportunities for fresh entrepreneurs to present their products and services to the community, the Business Studies Department organized a "Startups Competition" on 29th of November 2022 from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm at the multipurpose hall. There were around 13 participants with different products and services. The inauguration ceremony took place in the lecture theatre with the presence of the Dean, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, Head of the Business Studies Department and a number of staff and students. At the end of the event, the first three places which won the competition were awarded prizes and certificates.

Thursday, 15 December 2022 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

As part of the training programs offered to the community, Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, HR lecturer at the Business Studies Department, delivered a workshop titled "Draw Your Career Path" to the students of the University of Buraimi on Sunday, 11th December 2022 from 10 am to 1 pm. The main aim of the workshop was to enhance employability skills of the students and prepare them for the job market. The workshop focused on different key areas, including CV writing, job interview preparation, networking skills and the art of self-marketing. In order to make the workshop more practical, the presenter conduct a mock interview with two students, and then he gave constructive feedback about their performance. At the end of the workshop, Dr Ibrahim Al Shamsi, the Dean of the College of Business, gave a word of thanks along with a memento to the speaker.

Thursday, 15 December 2022 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The IT Department through its Staff Development Committee conducted a webinar entitled, “TF/IDF-based Text Mining Using Python” in 10th November, 2022 at 12PM and was delivered by Mr Mangesh Wanjari, an IT Lecturer. Before the start of the presentation, Ms Roselle, member of the SDC introduced the speaker and thereafter Mr Mangesh started his talk by highlighting the agenda of the presentation. The presenter first defined the technical term used on this presentation – TF/IDF; he emphasized TF (term frequency) as capturing the relative frequency of any term or word in any given document against the total number of words in a document. After the definition, Mr Mangesh gave sample case which is considered one of the most popular ways of doing the feature selection of text finding. The speaker also presented the applications of TF/IDF scores such as clustering of classification of documents, topic extraction / keywords finding from articles, unifying the data received multiple data sources, text mining, spam filtering, search engines and information retrieval. As to the pros and cons of TF/IDF, it is said that TF/IDF is easy to compute, provides basic metric to extract the most descriptive terms in a document and you can easily compute the similarity between 2 documents, however, some of the disadvantages of TF/IDF is that, TF/IDF is based on the bag-of-words (BoW) model, therefore it does not capture the position in the text, semantics, co-occurrences in different documents and for this reason, IT/IDF is only useful as a lexical-level feature, and it cannot capture semantics. Mr Mangesh has demonstrated the application of TF/IDF using python after the basic understanding of the topic. After the practical demonstration, Ms Roselle, the moderator opened the Question and Answer session where some attendees raised their queries. Afterwhich, feedback link is sent where participants can rate the presenter in various parameters. As a result, the presenter received a score of 4.35 on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is the highest. Twenty-five (25) participants have attended and benefited the program.

Wednesday, 14 December 2022 00:00 Written by in IT

The Information Technology Department, through its IT Society organized an Arabic training program entitled, “Building the Abilities in Cybersecurity” in 28th October, 8th, 15th, 22nd November 2022 at 10:00AM – 12:00PM. The program was delivered by Ms Amal Almuqrashi, IT lecturer at UTAS-Ibri.

As the world continues its digital transformation, the reliance on technology to do business is increasing in both the public and private sectors. In today's information age, organizations use technology to increase productivity, reduce internal and external operating costs, enhance data security, and expand business capabilities. Individuals have also become very dependent on technology in their daily lives, and almost everything people do involve technology in one way or another. The rapid shift to the digital age has been accompanied in an increasing cybercrime. Cybercrime damages will reach more than $6 trillion annually by the end of 2022. Therefore, the aim of the program is to increase the technical security awareness among the attendees to undertake better secured environment in the society, and conceivably become successful career cybersecurity specialist.

The training program provided the participants with the necessary knowledge in four main topics which is considered as a basis to enter the field of cybersecurity and ethical hacking. The program has four separate sessions each highlighted a specific topic and practices, including: Introduction to Cybersecurity, Introduction to Linux, Networking World, and How to secure Home Wi-Fi? and Social Media Cyber Defense.

The program concluded with a question and answer, followed by participants’ feedback. The participants gave the speaker a rating of 4.86 on a scale of 1-5 where 5 being the highest. This indicates that the participants were satisfied on the delivery of the training program. Below are the deliverables of the said 4-day training program:

Date Time Topic
28th October 2022 Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Introduction to Cybersecurity:
  • Introduction to cyber security (terms and definitions)
  • Types of penetration
  • The difference between hacking and ethical hacking
  • Ethical hacking steps
  • Security Breaches
  • Specialization in Cybersecurity
  • Practical implementation 
 8th November 2022 Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm  Introduction to Linux:
  • What is the operating system?
  • Types of operating systems
  • What is Linux?
  • Features of Linux system
  • Linux distributions
  • Practical implementation
 15th November 2022 Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm   Networking World, and How to secure Home Wi-Fi?
  • Definition of Networking
  • Types of Network
  • Network components
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi
  • Ways to protect Wi-Fi
  • Practical implementation
22nd November 2022 Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

 Social Media Cyber Defense:

  • Definition of social media
  • History of social media
  • Facts and examples about social media hacks
  • Steps to protect social media accounts
  • Practical implementation





Tuesday, 13 December 2022 00:00 Written by in IT

The IT Department through its IT Society organized a workshop on Mathematics Learning Techniques and Applications of Mathematics in real life for the students’ community on 29th November 2022. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Wasim Raja, Mathematics Lecturer, IT Department. The main objective of the workshop was to make our students aware of mathematics learning techniques to improve their math skills and to understand the applications of mathematics in real life.

The speaker started with the importance of mathematics in everyday life and explained that if a brain is mathematically trained, the power of reasoning and drawing conclusions go up by leaps. He emphasized the techniques needed to learn basic concepts and to excel in mathematics. Applications of mathematics in different fields of life were discussed with real-life examples. Practical applications of Algebra, Differentiation and Computational Geometry, Differentiation, Integration, Probability and Statistics, Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis, and Numerical Analysis were discussed and explained. Towards the end of the session, the presenter discussed mathematics-related professions and job careers to enhance the interest of students in learning the subject, Mathematics.

The session was very helpful to the students. More than 85 students registered for the workshop and 80 students attended the session with keen interest. Students participated in the discussion session and learned a lot. The students were very delighted to learn about the Mathematics Learning Techniques, Applications of Mathematics in real life and the bright future of Mathematicians. The session ended up with feedback on the event with an average of 4.01 / 5.00.

Sunday, 11 December 2022 00:00 Written by in IT

The Staff Development Committee of Engineering Department organized a seminar program on "ARDUINO PROGRAMMING WITH DIFFERENT SENSORS” on 24th November 2022 Thursday from 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM in Engineering Skills Lab (B105).

Mr. Abdul Hafeez Sajid, Instructor Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Section has delivered the presentation for the benefit of the staff members. The targeted audience for the program were the lecturer of Electrical and Electronics Engineering section.

He started his presentation with Arduino Overview. He stated that Arduino is an open source electronics platform based on basic hardware and software. It is a single-board microcontroller intended for anyone making interactive and multidisciplinary projects. He discussed Arduino UNO, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mini, Arduino MEGA, Arduino MKR 1000, Arduino MKR 1400, Node MCU, and ESP8266 etc.

He elaborated about various sensors like , color sensor, Voltage sensor ,current sensor, Hall effect Sensor, IR sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Motion sensor etc. used with the Arduino, which is available on the market that are used in industry.

Finally he presented some case studies like, implementation of temperature controlled ac home appliances using Arduino, smart health care system for monitoring asthma patients based on iot, an iot based novel system to control distracted driving and over speeding etc. Also he has given a demo session with example projects and resource code using Proteus simulation. It was a useful guide to the lecturers of engineering department to be benefitted with the Arduino programing with various sensors. The staff members felt that the presentation was very much useful and effective. Totally 25 staff participated.

Wednesday, 07 December 2022 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Information Technology Department through IT Society Committee organized a workshop for the students on 22nd October 2022, entitled “Amazing Mathematical Facts”. The workshop was delivered by Ms. Seema Afroz, Math lecturer, IT Department. The Speaker introduced the main objective of the session to the students. She further elaborated that the session was intended to explore the amazing mathematical concepts and its applications which arise in real world. The students had been trained about Pascals Triangle, Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio and made to realize about the manner in which they were interrelated. At the end of the session, the students were given a follow up activity to assess their aptitude skills which were learnt during the session. It had been found that, the students acquired the necessary skills.

The session was ended by collecting the participants feedback on a scale of 5, the overall feedback was 4.95

Sunday, 04 December 2022 00:00 Written by in IT

The Workshop on Vedic Math was organized by the IT society for the students’ community on 22nd November 2022. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Henah Evangelene Vatsalya, Lecturer IT department. The main objective of the workshop was to introduce and to make them learn improve the easy techniques in math computations. This new approach using Vedic math helps in faster computations without actually having to do the long computational procedures. In this session, students learnt a new approach of solving the different types of equations (Linear and Quadratic equations) and to solve the right angled triangles.

The topics discussed in detail during the session were:

  1. Solution of Linear Equations
  2. Solutions of Simultaneous Equations
  3. Factorization of Quadratic Equations
  4. Pythagoras theorem – New approach

The session turned out to be very helpful to the students by making it a fun experience to learn Math. The students were very delighted to learn new short-cut methods for calculations which is evident form their feedback on the event with an average of 4.95 / 5.00. They expressed their views to have more of such sessions in future that make Math learning a great experience.

Sunday, 04 December 2022 00:00 Written by in IT

On the occasion of celebrating the Oman Mathematics Day, an online quiz competition “Math Wizard - 2022” was organized by the Math Club of Information Technology Department – UTAS Ibri, in November 22, 2022 at 12PM. The competition aimed at developing the math computing and logical reasoning skills of the students. The program and invitation was sent to all students from the 2 campuses of UTAS-Ibri (CoT and CAS), and as a result, there were 25 students who heed to the call of this event.

The program started at 12PM and immediately the 25 participants have gathered in room D015 (venue). The organizers have discussed the mechanics of the competition, thereafter the competition has started. After the quiz ended, the results were announced to the students and the three top scorers were declared as winners. The Head of IT Department – Dr. Amal Al Abri, the Head of Math Section – Dr. R. Pugalarasu and the Coordinator of Math Club Ms Wardah Al Majrafi addressed the gathering and thanked the students for their active participation. At the end, Dr. Amal Al Abri awarded the prizes and certificates to the winners.

The following students are the winners of the quiz contest:

  1. Aryam Al Mamari - UTAS-Ibri (CoT)
  2. Samiya Al Hinai - UTAS-Ibri (CoT)
  3. AlMoatasem Al Jassasi - UTAS-Ibri (CoT)

The feedback collected from the participants for the event was recorded as 3.67 / 5.00.

Sunday, 04 December 2022 00:00 Written by in IT