The Staff Development Committee of the Business Studies Department and ELC have jointly organized a webinar titled “A Teacher’s Talk: Making My Teaching Visible” on Wednesday, 9th March 2022 from 5 to 6 PM. The webinar was delivered by Dr Misida Al Jahwari, Assistant Professor of Organizational Change and HRM, College of Econoics and Political Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University. The speaker shared with the audience her 20 years experience in the academic field emphasizing her teaching journey, challenges and opportunities of teaching, career development opportunities, etc. More than 150 participants attended the webinar across the world. At the end of the webinar, the speaker clarified some doubts and enquiries raised by the participants related to the discussed topic.

Monday, 21 March 2022 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

To help improve the employability skills among students and enhance the achievement of Graduate Attributes (GAs) through innovative teaching methodology, staff at the English Language Centre of UTAS-Ibri initiated the idea of 'Live Experience' of job interviews for the students of Public Speaking. This event was an achievement under the usual support and encouragement of Head of English Language Centre Dr. Abdulsalam Al Manthari. Ms. Heba Qureshi (Lecturer ELC and Coordinator Public Speaking) provided the platform of formal walk-in job interviews to help the Post-Foundation students in learning and polishing the required skills of appearing for an interview in a real-life scenario. The interviews were scheduled for two days 22nd Feb-23rd Feb.2022 (Tue-Wed.). 

Students underwent a great deal of practice in the classrooms before the actual day of walk-in job interviews. They also provided their views during the practice sessions. The other arrangement included setting up the venue, preparing the waiting lounge for the candidates, panel members’ arrangements, recording each interview and candidates’ opinions before and after the interviews. Panel members were also video interviewed for their views and opinions about the activity. The ELC staff members who participated in the activity included; Mr. Khalid Al-Gharibi, Mr. Salim Al-Shukeli, Ms. Maha Al-Darei, Ms. Adeebah Al-Sawafi, Mr. Mokhtar Lafi, Ms. Zahra Arab, Ms. Rabeea Ibrahim, Dr. Amir Abbas, Ms. Frizha, Ms. Mobina Kamran, Dr. Mamo Alo, Mr. Mazahar Engameh and Dr. Michelle.  

As analysis of any activity helps in the implementation of ADRI and this analysis is critical for better planning in the next stage. In this regard, the feedback of involved staff and students was also taken via questionnaire. As per the result of the survey conducted, both students and staff showed a high rate of satisfaction 5 on a Likert scale of 1-5. The result also indicates that students want to go through more practical sessions like this as it helps strengthen their self-confidence, manage pressure, and employability skills and these are the skills set as per the Graduate Attributes (GAs). Ms. Heba requested the panel members to ask any other question which is not in the list of questions if the panel observes a candidate as more competent. This intended to test the preparation level for extempore answers and students presented great answers for any surprise questions. Both days were successfully covered by ETC and a video is in progress to be uploaded on the university website. Students and staff have expressed their views and comments in this video. The Head of ELC, Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Manthari appreciated the efforts and congratulated the staff and students on their hard work and great performance. 


Monday, 21 March 2022 00:00 Written by in ELC

The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering department organized a technical awareness program titled “Applications of MATLAB for Recent Research” on Thursday, 10th March 2022 at 1:30 PM in Engineering Department Multipurpose Hall. The program session addressed by Dr. M. Muruganandam, Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Department, UTAS- Ibri.               

In his presentation, he explained how to do programming & plotting in MATLAB simulation, Modelling of machines with Simulink using the latest version of MATLAB. He describes the various advanced features available in the latest version of MATLAB 2021b. He showed the controller design for various applications using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network controller with the MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI). 

He demonstrated the interfacing of Arduino hardware using MATLAB Support packages. Finally, he clarified the calling MATLAB from Python environment and calling Python from MATLAB environment with simple example coding.

The session was very much interactive, many faculty from various discipline were participated in the session. The staff members felt that the presentation was very much useful and effective. Totally 36 staffs were participated.


Thursday, 17 March 2022 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Course Project Committee coordinator of the Information Technology Department organised a training programme on Software Requirement Analysis to Diploma and Bachelor course project students from Software Engineering Specialisation on 3 March 2022 from 10 to 11.45 am.

This training programme focused on the software development life cycle, software requirements, various methods to identify software requirements, functional requirements and non-unctional requirements.

As a part of the programme, a sample case study (Online Result Management System for UTAS-Ibri) was discussed with students to identify the functional and non-functional requirements. Four students attended and benefited from this training programme.

At the end of the session all the students were informed to identify functional and non-functional requirements for their respective course projects.

All the students gave positive feedback. The programme received an average rating of 4 out of 5.

Monday, 14 March 2022 00:00 Written by in IT

A training programme was conducted for Networking course project students on the requirements of initiating a project and how to design a network using the Cisco packet tracer. Through this programme, a discussion and explanation of some points was held for the students, for instance:

  1. How to set plan for initiating project
  2. Requirements required for selecting the project title and deciding on the appropriate methodology for the project
  3. Basics of CPT software.
  4. Steps followed for designing any network using CPT.

With this, students were taught how to design a sample network, and assigning IP addresses for all the network devices and end user devices separately. Furthermore, basic configuration for network devices was done after explaining it to the students. All the students provided positive feedback.


Monday, 14 March 2022 00:00 Written by in IT

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a massive shift in how we work, learn and connect with others. Effects rippling from the Covid 19 emergency include changes in the personal, social, and economic spheres. 

The Business Studies department and the ELC jointly hosted a webinar titled Learning the New Normal Way on March 3, 2022 at UTAS, Ibri. Dr. Fitzgerald Kintana took the audience through an informative presentation that focussed on challenges faced by teachers while embracing and adapting the new normal way. The gaps he stated were: limited experience in synchronous online teaching, lack of training needs, time constraints and naïve logistics and instructional strategies. He introduced the audience to Tech-Champs, who led the way to implement a technology-based curriculum and further added that they are indigenizing the curriculum and the hybridization of technology in the new normal. The presentation had plethora of information on asynchronous learning activities. The audience was exposed to the truth of e-learning and shared challenges students face while going digital and strategies to keep them engaged in digital classrooms. 

Dr Fitzgerald, the presentation with a thought-provoking quote “Technology, will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational    -George Couros.”


Dr Fitzgerald Kintanar is the Dean, College of Education CTU – Argao Cebu, Philippines. He is a classroom teacher, community teacher and researcher.


Monday, 14 March 2022 00:00 Written by in ELC

A novel presentation by Ms Saoussen Jilani engaged the audience on February 23, 2022, at the ELC, UTAS-Ibri. Ms Saoussen states that efficient speakers demonstrate energy and power and engage the audience. She further stated that a guest speaker requires a suite of abilities to make transformative experiences for audiences. According to her, a great orator should entertain the audience, energize them, be creative, and be a role model; they should present themselves as the source of inspiration and be the light of hope.

Ms Jilani shared a presentation assessment rubric that was a kind of ready reckoner for the first time, virtual guest speakers. The takeaways were rich, and the audience had many novel tips waiting to get executed.

Ms Saoussen Jilani was awarded a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the English Language Center, UTAS-Ibri.


Saoussen Jilani is a lecturer at the Higher Institute of Health and Medical Techniques in Tunisia. Currently, she teaches medical English to the first year and second-year students of obstetrics and prosthetics. Her main preoccupation is to engage such students in the English course actively and therefore use it for external reasons that far exceeds the borders of a classroom.

Monday, 14 March 2022 00:00 Written by in ELC

Dr Mariam Al Ghafri, the Head of Curriculum and Teaching Methodologies, ELC, UTAS Ibri, presented significant findings of a research conducted at the beginning of semester one, 2021, to study the experiences of Foundation Program Students who took online courses during COVID-19 Pandemic at UTAS-Ibri. The objective of the survey was to know the challenges faced by the students and the ways and means to overcome them. It also tried to study the efficacy of the instructional methods and resources provided by the ELC. The survey was in Arabic with open-ended questions for free responses. According to the survey, 125% of the students who responded felt staying motivated and focused was a significant challenge, and 75% said domestic distractions were a major issue. The other challenges identified were less interaction with teachers and peers, internet difficulties, limited resources, and time management. On a positive note, students overcame challenges through peer tutoring, reviewing lecture notes and adhering strictly to the schedule provided. The survey also highlighted the effectiveness of instructional resources, and e-books and interactive activities topped the list. 


Dr Mariam Al Ghafri is the Head of Curriculum and Teaching Methodologies UTAS IBRI. She has a doctorate in Education and Technology from the University of Sheffield /United Kingdom
She believes that inspiration, motivation and support can unlock the hidden potentials of individuals.


Monday, 14 March 2022 00:00 Written by in ELC

A two-day lecture seminar, organized by the Engineering Society, was conducted by Mrs. Lizette Ivy C. Pascual, particularly for Engineering Staff and Students, on the 24th of February and 3rd of March 2022, from 12 noon to 1:30 pm at the Multi-Purpose Hall of the Engineering Department Building.  

The topic, “Maintenance Management and Cultures”, is multi-disciplinary in scope; thus, anybody in the college who was interested were welcomed as well.

Maintenance Management and Cultures is a broad topic that covers a wide area, and Mrs. Lizette presented the following:

  • Change Management
  • Strategies and Tactics
  • Planning and Scheduling
  • Measures and Benchmarking
  • Data Management
  • Preventive Maintenance (PM) and Corrective Maintenance (CM)
  • Kaizen and 5S
  • Six Sigma (6σ)
  • Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)
  • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
  • Other Maintenance Management Systems and Cultures (Proactive Maintenance, Terotechnology, Logistics Engineering, Expert Systems, Contract Management, Total Quality Management, and etc.)

It was noted that most of the courses in the curriculum of the different engineering specializations, except in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, these concepts were never covered or mentioned.  However, the graduates, looking for employment or upon entering into employment in major industries and corporations, have little or no knowledge or prior learning regarding these important practices.  It prompted the Engineering Society that the best way for them to know of these things is by presenting these to them like a crash course through a couple of lecture seminars.


Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Engineering Department of UTAS -Ibri conducted  four day training Program  on   “CAD/CAM using  Fusion 360  Software and CNC Machines” from January 24th  to 27th  2022. This program  gave opportunity to gain hands on experience in the area of CAD/CAM using software and  practical exposure in handling the CNC machines and equipment’s to the lecturers  and technicians.  Dr. V.Sivananth    gave presentation on different workspaces within Fusion 360 starting from creating a basic sketch to full working assembly. He covered rendering, simulations, drawings and CAM tool paths demo and hands on training in  Fusion 360 software.  Mr.Rey and Mr.Jose gave hands on training in the  CNC machines starting from machine setup to final product. Mr.Sathya supported hands on software  session  and handling of  CNC machines. Mr.Nasser Al Shammakhi  (HOD/Engg) , distributed certificates of appreciation to all the participants and the resource persons who  are involved in the program. The practice session is well received by the participants with individual hands on training and interaction.

Sunday, 13 March 2022 00:00 Written by in Engineering