Formation and Inauguration of e-Club

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The Entrepreneurship Committee, Department of Business Studies, in coordination with the college’s On the Job Training Committee, organized the inauguration program of its e-Club in the Multi-Purpose Hall, on 29 October 2017. The e-Club, formed under the auspices of Ibri College of Technology, is supported and sponsored by the SME Development Fund, Oman.

The session started at 10am with a presentation by Mr. Qais Khalifah Al-Bulushi (Trainer and entrepreneurship coach, SME Development fund, Oman). He briefed the gathering of the fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, and the importance of e-Club and the Campus Companies in Ibri College of Technology.

The presentation was followed by a group discussion, among students, on good and bad ideas of entrepreneurship. The students were introduced to various aspects of starting a business based on the guidelines from the trainer. It was a wonderful experience for the students who came up with their business ideas and related activities.

After the group discussion, the presenter explained the need for having an E-club and the advantages of Campus Companies at Ibri College of Technology. He appreciated the efforts of the Department of Business Studies and the College OJT Committee in setting up an e-Club consisting of students guided by their peer group.

Finally, the e-Club was inaugurated and its first office bearers were elected based on the students’ consent. The elected office bearers and member students were then briefed on their respective roles and responsibilities in e-Club.

The program ended at 11:50am with Dr. Mohammed Abed Ali, HOD of Business Studies felicitating the resource person with a Certificate. The program was successfully conducted and on behalf of Entrepreneurship Committee, I wish to thank the college management, heads of section of the Business Studies Department and OJT College coordinator Mr. Zaid Al-Badi and faculty members of the Business Studies Department.

Read 649 times Last modified on Wednesday, 08 November 2017 03:35
Monday, 06 November 2017 00:00 Written by  Sandeep Kale In Business Studies Tags
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