The Business Studies Department organized an induction programme for first year Diploma students at the college’s lecture theater (Ground Floor - Engineering building) on 5 February 2018. The programme’s objective was to provide guidance to the students and help them in selecting an appropriate specialization stream for their Diploma – II level and further studies at the college.

Dr Ashok Kumar Patnaik gave an overview on the need of specialization courses and their importance in future careers. He also presented a detailed presentation related to “Marketing Specialization”, which included the courses offered in Advance Diploma, Bachelor level. The presentation also covered different industries, which provide job opportunities for marketing specialization students.

The Entrepreneurship Committee, Department of Business Studies, in coordination with the college’s On the Job Training Committee, organized the inauguration program of its e-Club in the Multi-Purpose Hall, on 29 October 2017. The e-Club, formed under the auspices of Ibri College of Technology, is supported and sponsored by the SME Development Fund, Oman.

The session started at 10am with a presentation by Mr. Qais Khalifah Al-Bulushi (Trainer and entrepreneurship coach, SME Development fund, Oman). He briefed the gathering of the fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship, and the importance of e-Club and the Campus Companies in Ibri College of Technology.

The presentation was organized by the Entrepreneurship Committee, Department of Business Studies, in coordination with College OJT Committee in the Multi-Purpose Hall, on 25 October 2017. It started at 12.00 p.m.

The welcome address was given by Dr. Sanjay Saha (Hos- HR) and the session was enlightened by Mr. Sasidharan Pillai, Contract and Commercial Manager, Ibri Independent Power Project. The speaker presented his bundle of experiences to the students about the importance of keeping environment Clean and healthy while prospering in business.

Adopting new technologies is one of the core objectives of this IbriCT. In line with this, the Learning Resource Committee in collaboration with Staff Research and Consultancy Committee - Department of Business studies - conducted a Workshop on ‘Turnitin’ (Software to check plagiarism) for its members on 5th October 2017.

Mr. Abdullah Al Shukaili – HOC, ETC was the chief presenter at the workshop. He enlightened the members on how to use Turnitin to check for plagiarism on students output in the form of assignment, and other materials.

The Learning Resource Committee had organized the training sessions for the students in the Female Free Access Lab on 18th, 25th and 27th of September, for different batches of Business Studies students, on how to log-in to the new e-learning Moodle, how to enroll themselves in the courses allotted to them on e-learning respectively.

They were also explained as to how to submit their assignments through e-Learning and interact with their course teachers using forums and emails.

The OJT committee of Business Department, IBRI college of technology has conducted a Guest lecture on “Addressing Learning Gaps through OJT” as part of its Induction Program on 8th Oct 2017 in lecture theatre from 10 AM to 12 Noon. Mr. Ismail Saif Salem Al Shmali, Director Oman Chamber of Commerce, Al-Dahira region was the chief guest of the programme. Mr. Younus Al Zaabi (Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs), Dr. Mohammed Abed (Head of Business Department), Mr. Zaid Al Badi (College level OJT coordinator) and Lecturers of Business Studies Department along with their class students were present at the event.

The Department of Business Studies organized a research workshop entitled “Stepping into Research: Some Basic Notions” on May 11, 2017.

The said research workshop which was divided into two sessions was led and delivered by Dr. Muhammad Faisal Aziz and Mr. Asif Mahmood. The basic concepts in research were explained in the first session while the use of SPSS software to input and the code to do descriptive statistical analysis were discussed in the second session. Dr. Faizal presented the basic concepts of research in the area of business and behavioral science, aiming to improve the research environment in Ibri College of Technology.

The Business Studies Department through its Alumni Committee organized an alumni interaction program entitled “Challenges on Job” on May 16, 2017, 12:00 noon at Room no. 2040 in Ibri College of Technology.

The Staff Research and Consultancy Committee of the Business Studies Department organized a presentation on “Enhancing Student-Centered Learning Environment” last March 20, 2017.