Research Opportunities - Funding and Collaboration with Arab Open University

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On March 2nd, 2017 (Thursday), the Staff Development Committee (SDC) on behalf of IT Department, IbriCT had conducted an initiative with the sole purpose of research based collaboration with Arab Open University (AOU). The seminar commenced at 10:30 pm in the lecture theatre with the event host (SDC Coordinator) who introduced the phases. This was followed by an introduction and welcome address by Dr.G.Shanmugarathinam (member SDC) to the AOU team - Dr.Sherimon P.C, Dr. Walid Aboraya, Dr. Kabaly P. Subramanian.

After the welcome address, Dr.Sherimon was invited to deliver his discussion on research collaboration. He highlighted several points that covered - benefits of a funded project, importance of The Research Council (TRC), Oman, several projects currently funded by TRC, etc. He explained the process of submitting the idea to research organizations, ministries, semi-government organizations, institutions and private organizations of Oman. Dr. Sherimon mentioned core team constituents.

He then discussed what needs to be done to make a good proposal and emphasized on reading several other proposals before submission. He then discussed in brief the proposal structure in order to make a valid proposal and emphasized on mentioning the timeline, significance of innovation with economic, social, cultural, educational impact and a practical budget. Dr.Sherimon then explained the evaluation criteria and the review process from his experience (as a reviewer) and clearly stated that proposals should definitely not be influenced by plagiarism.

The SDC coordinator then invited Dr. Walid to speak from educational resources point of view. Dr.Walid explained the research activities and he clearly stated the importance of research and mentioned that administration critically reviews performances based on research in an organization and its post effects for non-research contribution - emphasizing that research is being motivated. Dr. Kabaly, then took the stage to speak about AOU and its relationship

. The next phase of the seminar was a panel discussion where the guests were seated on stage and the audience asked several critical questions to understand the collaboration process clearly. The SDC coordinator then thanked the guests for answering their questions and invited the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, IbriCT, Mr. Younus Al Zaabi to present a token of appreciation to all the members who delivered this seminar.

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Read 688 times Last modified on Thursday, 25 May 2017 03:33
Thursday, 02 March 2017 00:00 Written by  Brian Chacko In IT Tags
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