Seminar on Virtual Reality – An Introduction and Awareness in the Sultanate of Oman

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Staff Development Committee of IT department has organized a Seminar on “Virtual Reality – An Introduction and Awareness in the Sultanate of Oman” on 18th May 2017 at 10:00 am in VIP Hall. The objective of the programme was to create an awareness about virtual reality and its applications in different fields.

Mr. Elias Tang Abdullah from ASM Technologies was the presenter. Mr. Brian welcomed the gathering and introduced presenter. “Virtual Reality is a technology that could actually allow you to connect on a real human level, soul-to-soul, regardless of where you are in the world”. Mr. Elias started with the question, “what is virtual reality?”. He demonstrated the definition with real-time examples.

Virtual reality means using computer technology to create a simulated and three-dimensional world that any user can manipulate and explore while feeling the reality of the virtual world. Scientists, theorists and engineers have designed various aspects of devices and applications to achieve this goal. Opinions differ on what exactly constitutes a true VR experience, but in general it should include - Three-dimensional images that appear to be life-sized from the perspective of the user and the ability to track a user's motions, particula¬rly his head and eye movements, and correspondingly adjust the images on the user's display to reflect the change in perspective.

One of the main aims of ASM in the current time is to foster a new digital media sector in Oman by developing e-content and applications for both public and private sectors in a number of different sectors, including HSE, oil, gas, health and others. ASM has been engaged by various government organizations to carry out numerous feasibility studies and strategic masterplan consultancies in key sectors such as the Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the environmental sectors.

He discussed the various 3D Visualizations and Virtual Reality Technologies. A few of them are Large Screen Virtual Reality Solutions, Touch Screen Applications, Oculus, Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices, Gear VR and Google Cardboard. He also narrated about few of their completed and on-going projects. In Addition, the speaker provided a Gear VR hardware to be experienced by the participants who enjoyed the 3D experience. In conclusion, Mr. Safik Khan, HoD, IT department thanked the speaker and honored him with a memento. The session ended at 11:45 am. Thirty-two (32) faculty members of various departments participated in the seminar.

Read 1171 times Last modified on Sunday, 04 June 2017 09:55
Sunday, 28 May 2017 00:00 Written by  Dr. P. Antony Kishore In IT Tags
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