The Staff Development Committee of IT department organized a session on “Communication Skills for Career Success” on 30th April 2023. The session was conducted by Mr. Wasim Raja, Mathematics Lecturer. The objectives of the seminar are to improve one's ability to clearly transmit a message, improve the skills to better understand other people and witness actual applications and demonstration of the principles of effective communication.
The speaker started with the importance of communication skills and why we need communication skills for career success. He emphasized on the verbal communication as well as non-verbal communications for the free flow of information with and among various stakeholders at all organizational levels to produce impactful outcomes and to achieve the goals of the institution. Essential communication skills needed for work place success, benefits of effective communications and the ways to improve communication skills were discussed.
The session was very helpful for the improvement of communication skills. Students and faculty members attended the session with keen interest, participated in the discussion session and learned a lot. The session ended up with a feedback result of 3 on a scale of 1-5 where 5 is the highest.

Sunday, 14 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT

The IT Team from UTAS-Ibri participated and presented a talk in a reputed conference "GHEDEX 2023" in Tuesday, 2nd May 2023. The Global Higher Education Exhibition (GHEDEX) is a conference on innovation and entrepreneurship which was held at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre – Muscat where several experts from various universities, industrial experts as start-up owners, entrepreneurs and professionals across Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, and India presented their proposals and ideas. The UTAS-Ibri team which is represented by Dr Wilfred blessing NR (IT Lecturer) who talked about "The Rise of Successful Student Start-ups from International Universities", and Mr Rashid Mohammed Al Jabri (IT student), a student delegate who got the chance to interact with the start-up exhibitors for the knowledge acquisition and for learning experience.
During the talk, in order to inspire and motivate the student community, the speaker presented the start-up projects that rises from colleges or universities and today that are successful. The speaker adds the research-based recommendations for, “why is college the best time for a student to do start-up?”. The presentation aimed to initiate incubation centres, a place to develop and provide platforms for creative aspirants where their innovative ideas and concepts will be incubated; start-up co-working spaces, a place where to work and develop their ideas that they can enhance after they graduate; acceleration, a program that gives developing companies and investors the access to mentor that will help them become stable and self-sufficient future entrepreneurs. The UTAS-Ibri team received appreciation and acknowledgement from the conference organizing committee for presenting the ideas on start-ups, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Wednesday, 10 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT

The College of Computing and Information Sciences of UTAS-Ibri, through its IT Society organized a webinar on ‘Data Science Applications using ML and DL Techniques’ in 1st May 2023. The objective of the webinar is to provide information about the roles, impact and features of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques in the current industry. Dr. Asadi Srinivasulu, a professor and head of research at BlueCrest University in Liberia delivered the lecture. The speaker presented a clear idea to all the participants about ML and DL techniques and its opportunities as well as the real-time applications and the job opportunities in this field. The session started at 1:30 PM and ended at 3:00 PM, where a total of 95 participants have benefitted the talk. Towards the end of the presentation, a feedback was collected from participants and as a result, the presenter garnered a 4.65 from a scale of 1-5 where 5 is the highest.

Wednesday, 10 May 2023 00:00 Written by in IT

Mr. Ali Al Alawi, OJT Coordinator of UTAS-Ibri along with 14 Bachelor Mechanical Engineering students and faculty Dr. V.Sivananth visited the company Composite Pipes Industry at Sohar on 20.03.2023. The visit started with a presentation by Mr.C. Subramaian, General Manger about company and their market scenario for GRE pipes in the Oman. Mr. Venkatesh, Project manager briefed about various challenges in design and manufacturing of GRE pipes. He also discussed about research interest of CPI-Sohar with UTAS-Ibri to solve industry related challenges through student projects. Mr.Niyal, Quality Manager demonstrated the working of Filament winding machine and various activities involved in the shop floor for pipe manufacturing. One High Pressure Test demonstrated for the students using GRE pipe. Finally closing meeting was held regarding students training and research activities in near future. Overall the visit helped the academic team to understand the expectation of industry and the skills needed by the students for the job market

Monday, 01 May 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Staff Development Committee of Engineering Department organized a program on "Recent Advancements in Communication Engineering and its Future Directions" Thursday, 06th April 2023 from 11:45 Am to 12.45 pm in the Multi-Purpose Hall. The session is delivered by Mr.Antony Judice Alexcius, Lecturer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Section, Department of Engineering for the benefit of the staff members. The targeted audience for the program were the lecturers of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department.
He started his presentation with the overview of light fidelity (Li-Fi), Radar Communication, Satellite Communication, Telecommunication. He elaborated different types of light support Li-Fi data transmission i.e. visible, infrared and ultra-violet. He explained of various platform which shows the satellite tracing.
Finally, he showed demo in website, also mentioned the role of Artificial Intelligent in communication technology. It was a useful guide to the lecturers of Engineering Department to be benefitted. The staff members felt that the presentation was very much useful and effective. Totally 22 staffs participated.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Research and Consultancy Committee of the Engineering department organized a presentation titled, “Identifying research problems in solid state welding” on April 13, 2023 from 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM. Dr.Stephen Leon.J, Lecturer in Engineering department conducted the program. The presentation started with the need and significance of solid state welding and clear explanation was given on the principle behind joining metal pieces in solid state without melting the parental work pieces. Research problems on different specializations like production, thermal, fluid mechanics, structural engineering and surface engineering related to friction stir welding were discussed. A case study had been done to identify a research problem related to friction stir welding tool design and outcomes on that research is discussed. All the participants benefited from this program.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Research and Consultancy Committee of the Engineering department organized a presentation, titled “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics” on March 30, 2023 from 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM. Dr. Kumaravel Govindharasu, Lecturer in Engineering department is conducted the program. He started his presentation with the introduction of artificial intelligence. Then, he detailed the different types of artificial intelligence with their applications by appropriate simulation software. Then, he discussed the various design aspects and parameters required to build both rigid and soft robots with neat examples. Finally, he concluded the session with a demo which is based on simple perceptron model. The session was interactive and staff members participated in the program with much enthusiasm.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organized a training program "Training on Plumbing” on 03rd April 2023, Monday from 10:00 AM – 12:00Noon in Electrical Workshop (B004) as a part of the effective and, safe utilization of laboratory Plumbing Equipment and Faculty skill enhancement.
The session was organized and demonstrated by the following team members: Dr. M. Muruganandam, Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Section, UTAS-Ibri. Mr. Ganesh Reddy, Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Section, UTAS-Ibri. Mr. Mohammed Abdullah AL Shammakhi, Technician, Electrical Engineering Section, UTAS-Ibri.
Mr. Hamed Saud Hamed Al khalili, Technician, Electrical Engineering Section, UTAS-Ibri. The team members explained and showed various tools, materials, and safety equipment used to develop and conduct exercises on plumbing. More stress was given on safety rules followed to do plumbing work. Team members pointed out the importance of measurements in the plumbing layout diagram and how to develop a plumbing layout diagram before going for practical implementation. All attended faculty members practiced joining PPR pipes with Socket, Elbow, and T joints with the help of the Plastic Welding Machine. Safety measures followed regarding how to use and connect the power supply to Plastic Welding Machines in Plumbing were clearly demonstrated. Team members helped them with how to make a sample Plumbing layout by using all plumbing tools and materials. The final developed layout was tested using Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Pump. The purpose and safety measures followed while using a Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Pump for testing a final Plumbing layout are demonstrated. The developed sample of the final Plumbing layout was connected to Hydrostatic Pressure Testing Pump and tested for water leakage in the pipe layout. All attended faculties showed very interest and practiced, how to use tools and accessories of plumbing equipment to do a simple plumbing layout diagram.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Industrial Link Committee, Engineering Department has organized an Industrial visit to Oman Transmission Power Grid Station, Ibri on 20th March 2023. Eighteen (18) students of Diploma Electrical Engineering along with one lecturer (Mr Veera Nagi Reddy) and one instructor (Mr Jayashankar) of University of Technology and Applied sciences-Ibri visited the Grid Station.
Oman Transmission Grid Sub-Station-Ibri, maintained by Oman Electricity Transmission Company, is the first grid connected station to the first solar powered generation station in Oman. The grid station has six Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) bays with a voltage of 220 kV, protection equipment, communication and monitoring systems and its fire protection systems. The power generated from the generating station is transferred directly to the main network through 220 kV ground cables, from which gas circuit breakers are fed, which in turn transfers the power to the main network of the Oman Electricity Transmission Company through overhead transmission lines.
We reached the sub-station at 8.55AM. The Sub-Station staff received us well. Head of Zone Engineer, Mr. Yahya Awadh Al Ghafri, gave an overview of the sub-station and career opportunities for the students. Senior Engineer, Mr Waleed Abdullah Al Kalbani explained the safety rules in sub-station and grid station layout and operation with the help of power point slides.
Operation and Maintenance Engineers (Mr. Abdulaziz Al Yaqoobi, Mr. Salim Al Sawafi and Mr. Mohammed Al Skhboori) demonstrated in detail about

  • Control room operations
  • Feeders, power transformers, bus bars
  • Battery banks, power cables
  • Protective and measuring equipment like current transformers, voltage transformers, circuit breakers, lightning arresters, isolators, etc.

The purpose of this industrial visit is to provide electrical engineering students with an excellent opportunity to learn more about and interact with the industrial environment. Its purpose is to enable the students to acquire practical knowledge.
We, along with the students, express our gratitude to the company for their permission and support to make our visit a success.

Monday, 17 April 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering

On 28th March 2023, the Staff Development Committee in association with OJT & Industrial link committee organized an online awareness program on "On-Job Training (OJT) Awareness Session" through MS Teams from 11.45 AM to 12.45 PM. The program aimed to create awareness about the eligibility criteria for OJT and the roles of the student in OJT, role of OJT department, role of college assessor, and role of advisor in the OJT program. Dr.Manikandan Subramaniyan, OJT and Industrial Link Committee Coordinator and Lecturer of the Engineering Department, delivered the program.
During the program session, he started explaining the eligibility criteria for students to go for the OJT. He showed the new system followed in the web portal to be updating the student’s details by the college assessor and the advisor. Finally he demonstrated using the IBRICT web portal with some student’s data as a case studies.
The staff members found the presentation informative and engaging and they actively participated in the Q&A session at the end of the program. The program was a great success, and the participants appreciated the efforts of the Staff Development Committee for organizing such an insightful program. They expressed their interest in attending similar programs in the future.

Thursday, 06 April 2023 00:00 Written by in Engineering