Orientation Program Choosing Specialization Course

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The Engineering Department, through the Engineering Registration Office, held the Orientation Program to guide Diploma Year 1 Engineering students on how to choose their preferred engineering specialization. The students were briefed on the scope of each Engineering specialization being offered in Ibri College of Technology and in the other Colleges of Technology.

Dr Geetha and Mr Ragupathi took turns on being the assigned speaker for each of the seven (7) sections of PHYS 1211 (College Physics 2) from 27 November to 14 December 2017, depending on the respective section’s laboratory class schedules at the Physics Laboratory (Room No. 1078).

Most important of all, the students were taught where to go in the college website in order for each student to register for an Engineering specialization course. A link is provided to the Advising Management System for the registration.

For those students who were not present during the orientation, a “Guidance on Selecting Engineering Specialization” PDF file is downloadable to guide them in choosing and registering their specialization.

Read 961 times Last modified on Wednesday, 27 December 2017 05:39
Thursday, 21 December 2017 00:00 Written by  Lizette Ivy C. Pascual In Engineering Tags
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