IT Specialization Orientation Program

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The iTech club conducted an conducted an orientation of the specializations of the IT program on Wednesday 25/05/2017. The target audience was students moving to Diploma Year II in the next academic year. The objective of this program was to explain the IT different specializations offered by the Ibri College of Technology.

The orientation was chaired by Ms. Fatma Al-Shamali (iTech club coordinator) and Ms. Khazeena Al-Alwai (a student member of iTech club). The both gave brief information about the two available specialization offered starting from the next academic year, Software Engineering and Networking. In addition to explaining the structure of the specializations offered, Ms. Fatma and Ms. Khazeena highlighted few job prospects related the two specializations. They also presented some information relating to the official IT certifications related to both specializations.

Read 2058 times Last modified on Wednesday, 07 June 2017 08:28
Sunday, 04 June 2017 00:00 Written by  Samya AL-Yaqoobi In IT Tags
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