In this age of stupendous transformation in technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has got the focus of the world. There is no such domain in the world, which has not been influenced by AI, and teaching and learning is one of them. AI has opened new horizons in teaching and learning __ from top notch teaching tools to efficient self-learning platforms; using latest infographics, AV aids, and other engaging techniques. In order to keep the lecturers abreast of latest developments in teaching and learning, PSC Staff Professional Development committee organized a concurrent training session for the staff on April 25, 2024. The topic of the workshop was “Magical AI Tools for Teachers”. Ms Adeeba Al Swafi, PSC staff member conducted this training session.


This PD workshop focused on introducing teachers to magical AI teaching tools that can enhance their teaching methods. The workshop covered various AI websites that can be incorporated into lesson plans and assignments, making the learning experience more interactive and engaging for the students. Ms Adeeba gave practical demonstration of using various AI tools in order to create support materials such as lesson plans, PPTs, grammar exercises, reading, writing, listening and speaking activities. It was very enlightening session and the participants showed keen interest in the AI’s tools. At the end, the moderator Mohammad Aslam, thanked Ms Adeeba for her wonderful presentation and gave away a certificate of appreciation on behalf of PSC. The participants expressed their desire to have such sessions again.

Tuesday, 30 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

Staff Professional Development Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC)) conducted a professional training session entitled: “Gamify Grammar” on Thursday, Apri l4, 2024. The presenter was Ms. Nasiyba Al Ghafri, PSC staff member. The audiences were English language lecturers from PSC. This training session enlightened the participants about the use of games for teaching grammar. The presenter highlighted the importance of students’ involvement in teaching and learning. They can be easily engaged through teaching games, especially while learning grammar. As we know that deductive methods of teaching grammar are very boring and dry. Therefore, teaching grammar through games plays a vital role in engaging students’ interest in the subject. Ms Nasiyba displayed how to use interesting interactive games in the classroom for teaching grammar. The attendees were involved actively in this activity. At the end, MS Samiya al Ghafri presented a certificate and some gifts to the presenter. The session was highly appreciated by the participants through their feedback.

Thursday, 25 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

Staff Professional Development Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) conducted a professional training session entitled: “Classroom Management” on Thursday, April 4, 2024. The presenter was Mr. Abdullah Al Balushi, PSC staff member. The session mainly aimed to raise awareness on some classroom management strategies and techniques that the teachers need to implement in their classrooms. Eleven different classroom management strategies and techniques were shown to the audience and six of them were discussed and explained. The workshop focused on the participants’ knowledge of these different techniques as they worked in groups to share their ideas with all the participants and then the presenter showed them the techniques and explained them. The session was interactive. The participants actively shared their views as a part of the activities during the session. At the end, Mr Ahmed Al Mamari gave away a certificate and some gifts to the presenter. The session was well received with positive feedback from the participants.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

On March 14, 2024, the Research and Consultancy Committee of the Department of Engineering and Technology organized a research presentation titled "Latest Processors and Applications". The program was held in the Multi-Purpose Hall (B102) from 12 noon to 1 pm. Dr. V. Ilankumaran, Head of Sections, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Department of Engineering and Technology, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Ibri presented the session. The presentation started with an overview of the evolution of processors and their advancements in real-time applications. The presenter then detailed the specifications and working nature of various processors and narrated the latest applications of processors in the automobile, robotic, and aviation industries. During the session, the presenter interacted with the audience by discussing the issues in the latest cars and their solutions by using the latest processors. The presenter also talked about the role of processors in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), deep learning, and other machine learning modules. The audience was encouraged to incorporate the latest processors into their student projects. The program was well received by the audience, with more interactions and discussions taking place.

Thursday, 18 April 2024 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Staff Professional Development Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC)) conducted a professional training session entitled: “Students’ Motivation”” on Thursday, April4, 2024. The presenter was Mr. Shahzad Ahmad, PSC staff member. The session mainly focused on the research that he has conducted on the types of motivation and how they influence on the learners’ performance. These types cannot be clearly separated as they overlap one another. However, the knowledge of these divisions can help the teachers to guess what the hurdles are there for the students’ learning and how they can be motivated. If there is lack of intrinsic motivation, then no one can show maximum interest in the studies. Extrinsic motivation also plays an important role in the performance of the students, such as good grades would help them getting good job, higher salary, or admission at the reputed institutions. Teachers’ role is very important in this regard. They should try to know the causes of students’ lack of interest in studies, and then try to motivate them accordingly. After the session, there followed a fruitful discussion on the same topic and the participants asked some probing questions on this issues. At the end, MS Cara, Level 4 Coordinator, gave away a certificate and some gifts to the presenter. The session was received well with positive feedback from the participants.

Monday, 08 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

English Society of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) provides ample opportunities to GFP students for showcasing their talent in various disciplines. Engaging students in research on prestigious platforms is one of the goals of English society. In this regard, four outstanding students of UTAS-Ibri presented a research study at Sultan Qaboos University in the Students Conference (English Department) on February 27, 2024. The topic of the research was *Voice of GFP Students: Current Challenges of Learning English among Students. *

The following students represented UTAS, Ibri:

· Malak Al-Luwauhi

· Lubna Al-Shabnoti

· Abdulkarim Al-Gharibi

· Ahmed Almanthari


On behalf of the PSC, Dr. Mohsen Amiri accompanied them as their research mentor. The presentation was in the form of a poster presentation, and our students did excellent work, according to feedback.

Sunday, 07 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

SPD Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) conducted a training session for the staff on “Introduction to Active Learning Methods (ALMs) in Student-Centered Learning”. Dr. Suresh Rasapan was the presenter, and the staff from all units of PSC attended this activity. The presenter focused on the importance of ALMs in teaching and learning. Active learning is an essential process in which individuals actively engage with learning materials and tailor their methods to their unique learning styles. The passive act of verbalization alone does not guarantee comprehension; rather, active participation through reading, writing, discussing, and reflecting is necessary. Active Learning Methods (ALMs) are recommended because they involve multiple parts of the brain, requiring students to actively process information. According to Silberman, “When learning is active, students do most of the work”. Active learning places the primary responsibility on students, promoting higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, as opposed to passive listening. This study underscores the significance of active engagement in the learning process, leading to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge. At the end of this session, Dr. Sultan Al Ghafri, HOC, gave away a certificate of appreciation to the presenter. The participants showed keen interest in this activity and gave quite positive response.

Sunday, 07 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

PSC Health and Safety Committee organized a webinar “Health and Safety Awareness Session” on March 21, 2024. The session focused mainly on raising basic awareness of the Health and Safety procedures in place on our campus. Miss Thandeka Khathi presented the emergency evacuation, fire procedure, and first aid procedures. Clear illustrations were given and directions to the nearest assembly points were shared, using pictures. The importance of completing the incident report form was emphasized as well as instructions on how to access it and the procedure to submit it.

Miss Haleema Tausef then followed with General Health and Safety tips for the participants. This part of the presentation dealt with practical day-to-day advice to maintain good health, prevent hazards, and ensure safety. Participants were further urged to take responsibility for their own Health and Safety by applying tips such as decluttering their workspaces, keeping hydrated and reporting potential hazards such as open wires, faulty equipment, etc.

Participants voiced their appreciation for an informative session and declared that they learned a lot.

Sunday, 07 April 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC

On March 21, 2024, the Staff Development Committee of the Department of Engineering and Technology hosted a webinar titled “Applications of Machine Learning to Solve Engineering Problems.” This online event, conducted via MS-Teams from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, featured Dr. S Albert Alexander, an Associate Professor from the School of Electrical Engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore, India. The session was specifically designed for faculty members of the Department of Engineering and Technology.


Dr. S Albert Alexander began the webinar by offering insights into the fundamental principles of machine learning (ML) and its significance in the contemporary engineering landscape. He highlighted the transformative potential of ML technologies across various engineering disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, civil, and computer engineering. Key points covered included:


1. Introduction to Machine Learning:

Dr. Alexander demystified machine learning, explaining it as a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.


2. Core Machine Learning Algorithms:

An overview of essential ML algorithms was provided, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Real-world examples illustrated their applications in engineering.


3. Machine Learning in Engineering Solutions:

The focus shifted to specific engineering problems that have been addressed using ML, such as predictive maintenance, optimization of energy consumption, and the design of more efficient engineering materials.


4. Case Studies:

Dr. Alexander shared several case studies demonstrating successful implementation of ML solutions in engineering projects, emphasizing the practical benefits and the enhanced efficiency and innovation brought about by ML technologies.


5. Tools and Technologies:

Participants were introduced to popular ML tools and technologies, including Python libraries like Tensor Flow and PyTorch, and how they can be utilized in engineering research and development.


6. Challenges and Future Prospects:

The webinar concluded with a discussion on the challenges faced when integrating ML into engineering solutions, such as data quality and availability, and a forward-looking perspective on the future of ML in engineering.


Throughout the session, participants engaged in interactive discussions and demonstrations, gaining valuable insights into the latest advancements in machine learning technologies and their practical applications in solving engineering problems.


Overall, the “Applications of Machine Learning to Solve Engineering Problems” webinar provided an enriching learning experience for faculty members. It enhanced their understanding of cutting-edge technologies in the field and showcased the vast potential of machine learning to innovate and solve complex engineering challenges.

Tuesday, 26 March 2024 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) organized a presentation on “Exploring the Resources and Capabilities within the UTAS Branch”, on 14th March 2024, at Lecture theatre, Engineering Block, Al Saada Campus. The presenter, Dr. Ahmed Al-Rawahi, HoD Research &Consultancy Department, UTAS Ibri, gave an enlightened presentation on how the researchers in UTAS branch can explore different research resources and sharpen their research capabilities. He highlighted the roles and objectives of the Research and Consultancy Department (RCD) of the UTAS Branch; he also discussed support and resources offered by RCD. Towards the end, he pointed out some misconceptions and wrong practices.

While encompassing responsibilities of the RCD, he said that its foremost duty is to foster research culture, and support and facilitate the researchers. Ensuring quality and compliance with ethical consideration are also two other important duties of the department. He said that a Research Lab is going to be established very soon where the researchers would do their research work peacefully and efficiently. He also highlighted the importance of Post-graduate program support. Research culture is the point the university is focus on. He also talked about some misconceptions and wrong practices done by the researchers which could result in bad name for the individuals and the institution. The participants highly appreciated this presentation. In the end, a certificate of appreciation was presented to Dr. Al-Rawahi by Dr. Sultan Hamed Hilal Al Ghafri, HoC (PSC).

Wednesday, 20 March 2024 00:00 Written by in ELC