On Tuesday, 4 February 2020, at 12.15 to 1.15 pm, in the Fluid Mechanics Lab (B003), the Research and Consultancy Committee, Department of Engineering, conducted a workshop on Industrial Pipe Networking Design for the staff members of the Engineering Department. 

The resource speaker, Mr J. Arthur Davis Nicholas, briefly recapped the following areas: piping fundamentals, selection of piping material, inevitable issues on piping network, piping design factors, extension of piping network, and flow management – a permanent solution for piping network issues. The speaker demonstrated the possibility of eradicating water piping network issues through OFT software.  The function of pressure reducing and relieving valves was also demonstrated through the hydraulic bench facility, available in the Fluid Mechanics laboratory. 

The Speaker emphasised the possibility of incorporating the flow management system in the Ibri Potable Water Piping Network, which encounters numerous issues, and leads to precious water loss and shutdowns. The speaker concluded the workshop session, pointing out the wide open opportunities for research projects in the field of Water Pipe Networking system, through the Public Authority of Water (PAW), Ibri. 


Sunday, 09 February 2020 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Health and Safety Committee of the Engineering Department organised a stress management awareness programme on 26 November 2019 from 11 to 11.30 am in the Multipurpose Hall for the Engineering students. Ms Fatma Masood Al Mamari  and Ms Jawaher Mahammod Al Mamari explained the various  causes of stress, and remedies for this. 

Today, school and college students and staff are experiencing the effect of stress on their work performance. The effect of stress can be either positive or negative. Positive stress may increase performance and energise a more positive outcome. Negative stress causes more problems in our personal lives and affects our future lives. These negative effects have to be neutralised to obtain success of in our lives.

Health and Safety Committee members Mr B. Shankar, Mr Sathya, Mr Manikandan and  Dr Alferd attended the presentation. The presentation was well-received by the students.


Sunday, 09 February 2020 00:00 Written by in Engineering

With the successful completion of ISAA Gala 2 that consisted of four sessions in semester 1 of AY 2019-2020, the Quality Assurance Department (QAD) has started the first session of ISAA Gala 3 for semester II. The event, aimed at raising awareness of staff and students on the ongoing accreditation process of GFP and QA updates, was held at the Multipurpose Hall on 28 January 2020.

Dr. Abdulsalam Al Manthari, QAD officer and anchor, welcomed the attendees and enumerated the following session highlights:

  • General Foundation Programme (GFP) Quality Audit 2020 orientation
  • Awarding of certificates to students who participated in the ISAA Gala 2 Sessions 3 and 4
  • Updates from the QAD 
  • Discussion among the staff and management on the feedback received in previous ISAA Galas

Dr. Hamdan Al Manthari, College Dean and QAD Chair, reminded the staff to understand the essence of quality assurance. He emphasized that quality is not merely the work per se but embedded in everyone’s daily work.

Dr. Sultan Al Ghafri, ELC Head of Section for English Language Programme (ELP), oriented the attendees about the importance of the GFP Audit this year, its process and its impact on the College.

For actively participating in the QA short drama presentation on policies related to students in the ISAA Gala 2 Session 3 held on 26 November 2019, the Dean awarded the certificates to the following student participants:

Moderation Policy

  • Alaya Said Rashid Al Azizi
  • Kothar Khalifa Salim Mohammed Al Ghafri
  • Aryam Ali Al Mamari

Student Grievance Policy

  • Noor Badar Salim Al Gharibi
  • Carmel Ghani
  • Bader Said Masoud Mohammed Al Azizi

Academic Integrity Policy

  • Abdullah Ali Salim Al Abri 
  • Mohammed Nasser Salim Al Blooshi
  • Omaima Hafedh Mohammed Al Shaiban


Meanwhile, another group of student participants (listed below) were recognized for their active participation in the ISAA Gala 2 Session 4 which was held on 23 December 2019. 

  • Miaad Saif Mohammed Ali Al Farsi (IT student)
  • Noor Bader Salim Abdullah Al Gharibi (Business student)
  • Althuraiya Rashid Said Al Maqbali (Engineering student)


Ms. Heba Qureshi, QAD Head, updated the team about the important information they must know regarding the following:

  • Staff Performance Management System (SPMS)
  • Strategic Objective Map
  • SP Cycles 
  • College Document System (CDS)
  • Operational Plans

The aim of QAD updates was to orient the staff about their expected role related to the information provided. The last activity of the event was staff and management discussion on the questions/comments raised in the previous ISAA Galas. 

Participants were involved in this session enthusiastically and the college management answered the queries effectively. Another fruitful session would be arranged to discuss recurring questions/comments with GFP and non-academic staff.

Wednesday, 05 February 2020 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance

The Health and Safety Committee – Department of Business Studies conducted a presentation on "Use of Fire extinguishers and Fire safety" on 14th November 2019 and 28th January 2020 for different levels of Business department students.  

Mr. Enthiyaz Khan, the Coordinator of Health and safety committee of the business department gave the presentation wherein he spoke on Fire Triangle, Fire extinguishing basic principles, Classification of Fire, Types of Fire extinguishers and method of using fire extinguishers, rules of fighting fire, and first aid for fire injury.  The presentation was well- organized which empowered the knowledge of students on fire safety.

Tuesday, 04 February 2020 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

 The Engineering Department, as per policy, conducted the Induction Programme for New Engineering Students in all the four sections of CECE 1100 – Engineering Graphics from 28 to 29 January 2020.

The Speakers, Dr K. Elangovan, Dr V. Ilankumaran, Dr Geetha, and Mr Ragupathi, oriented and informed all students present about the policies in place in Ibri College of Technology (IbriCT) and the Engineering Department concerning them.

 The following topics were presented:

  • Entry Standards for Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Bachelor Levels
  • The different Engineering specialisations in IbriCT and other Colleges of Technology
  • The Engineering Society and Engineering Student Club (ESC)
  • Help Centres and Help Sessions
  • Library and Online Resources
  • Academic Advisor and Advising
  • Registration Process and Procedures
  • Course Audits and the significance of Pre-requisite Courses
  • Minimum and Maximum Credit Hours
  • Academic Probation
  • Course Withdrawal and Course Repeat
  • Student Attendance
  • Student Postponement
  • Student Grievance
  • Student Discipline
  • Plagiarism Policy


Tuesday, 04 February 2020 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Information Technology Department organised a workshop on “Flipped Learning” on 21 January 2020 at 12:00 pm in Lab 223. Dr Amal Al Abri, lecturer, Information Technology Department, conducted the workshop. The workshop included the following topics: 

  • Definition of Flipped Learning
  • Advantages of Flipped Learning
  • The Four Pillars of F-L-I-P
  • Fitting with Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Flipped Learning and blended learning
  • Types of Flipped Learning
  • Moving Forward with Flipped Learning

The speaker introduced eight types of flipped learning. The flipped learning technique was implemented through the demonstration of the different types of flipped learning by the audience in a group-based method. 

There was an interactive session during the workshop. The workshop ended at 02:00 pm.


Thursday, 30 January 2020 00:00 Written by in IT

The Mechanical and Industrial Section, Engineering Department, conducted their Project Orientation Programme on Tuesday, 21 January 2020, at 12:00 noon in the Switchgear Laboratory (B017).

There was a small attendance of only 13 students because there was confusion due to a change in the venue.  There was a problem in the venue booking and it clashed with the Induction Programme of the College.  Some students who were not directed the changed location did not attend the programme.  However, the programme went on as usual despite of the limited audience.

Dr K. Elangovan, Head of Section, Mechanical and Industrial Section, spoke about how to properly do a project, how to request for materials and needed tools and equipment, how the students’ final marks are computed, and other relevant issues.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Electrical and Electronics Section, Engineering Department, conducted their own Project Orientation Programme on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 at 12:00 noon at the Electrical Skills Laboratory (B006).

The combined number of Electrical and Electronics Engineering students currently registered in all Project Courses (Diploma, Advanced Diploma, and Bachelor Levels) is quite significant.  However, only 26 students were able to attend the said programme.  Just like the Mechanical Engineering Project Orientation Programmer, there was a bit of confusion due to the change of venue.  It was the result of the clash in the booking with that of the Induction Programme of the College.  Although efforts were made to direct students to the new venue, some did not see the announcements and changes made on the posters.

Dr V. Ilankumaran, Head of Section, Electrical and Electronics Section, spoke about how to properly conduct the project, how to choose the appropriate supervisor for a certain project, how to request for materials and components, how the students’ final marks are obtained, and other relevant issues.


Wednesday, 29 January 2020 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Project Committee, along with the Academic Support Committee, conducted “Course Project Orientation” and “How to Prepare a Project Proposal” orientation on 21 January 2020 in the venue LAB A110.

The session started at 12:15 pm with the course project orientation which was handled by Mr. S. Ahamed Nishath, Project Coordinator – IT Department. First, he welcomed the course project students of the IT Department. Then he explained the various activities to be completed during the course of a project. To begin a project, he requested the student to submit the project proposal for each group as per the requirement of the department in the prescribed format. He suggested discussing the project ideas with anyone of the teachers before writing a proposal. Once the proposal obtained approval after review by an ad hoc review committee, each group will be assigned a supervisor. Once the supervisor has been assigned, student groups can start their project work activities according to the instructions and guidance of supervisors.

He explained the various documents and reports to be prepared by project groups and to be submitted to level coordinators. He insisted that students submit the necessary documents on or before the deadline. He mentioned the importance of meeting supervisors regularly, at least once a week and updating activities in the project plan acknowledged by the supervisor. He informed and showed the students about the availability of the necessary forms and instructions in Moodle. He requested all the project students to enrol in Moodle. He also enlightened the students about the assessment and the use of documents during the review. He ended the session by answering students’ questions.

This session was followed by “How to Prepare a Project Proposal” by Dr Monther Ali. He elaborated on preparing a project proposal in general. Then he explained in detail the various sections to be written in the proposal and the kind of information to be provided in each section, with simple examples to facilitate understanding by the students. Students were interested to know more about this and eagerly attended the complete session which ended at 1:20 pm. A total of 25 students attended the session.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020 00:00 Written by in IT

As a part of the induction programme to new intake students (January 2020), the Health and Safety Committee organised an awareness programme on fire safety and first aid for Foundation Programme students on 21 January 2020. This event was held in the Lecture Theatre and Multipurpose Hall from 11.30 to 12.30 pm. Fire safety procedures and precautions to be followed to eliminate fire accidents were presented to the students. Mr Othman Salim Hamed Al Muqbali was the resource person. During the presentation, the classification of fire and different types of firefighting equipment used to extinguish fire were presented. First aid procedures to be followed in case of fire injuries were also explained. After the presentation, Mr Shankar and Mr Sathyendran, technicians, demonstrated the handling of different types of fire extinguishers in case of fire. Students also practiced the application of firefighting equipment on demonstrated fires. The presentation and demonstrations were well-received by the students.

Monday, 27 January 2020 00:00 Written by in Engineering