The Quality Assurance Committee of the Engineering Department conducted a workshop on “Development of an Operational Plan” on 7 November 2019. Mr Sreenivas Naik (QAC, Engineering Department) conducted the workshop with the objective of creating an awareness among the faculty members about the operational plan for the Engineering Department. The faculty members engaged with different objectives by forming nine groups. All team members were provided with initial guidelines to prepare an operational plan, by Mr Naik at the beginning of the workshop. The faculty members were effectively involved in the planning process. They prepared the OP incorporating implementation steps for all the objectives with key performance indicators and designated responsibilities for implementing actions. 

The operation plan of higher education institutions is derived from the strategic plan of the institution. An effective operational plan should be prepared and implemented in order to achieve strategic objectives and improve quality of HEI. The speaker organised an interactive session, with lively discussion among the team members in writing implementation steps for objectives, actions and key performance indicators. All teams completed their tasks and submitted the complete operational plan to the speaker. At the end of session, participants were provided with the information about implementation and review of the operational plan in order to ensure alignment with the Strategic Plan and achievement of operational targets.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

In order to encourage an entrepreneurial culture among students, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (IEU) organised a workshop  on “Funding and social insurance” on Sunday, 10th of Nobember 2019, from 08:30 AM to 10:00 AM at the VIP room. The targeted audience was students who are currently studying “Entrepreneruship” course. The main aim of the workshop was to enhance students’ knowledge on the services and facilities provided by Al Raffd Fund and the Public Authority for Social Insurance for entrepreneurs. The workshop was delivered by Mr Fadhil Al-Saidi, from Al Raffd Fund, and Mr Mohammed Al-Kalbani, from the Public Authority for Social Insurance. At the end of the workshop, the head of IEU, Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, gave a certificate of appreciation to the speakers thanking them for being part of the workshop. 

Tuesday, 19 November 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies


The Risk Management Committee of Engineering Department organised an awareness programme on Risk Identification Techniques for diploma level students on 12 November 2019 from 2 to 3pm. Mr Maswoodhur Rahman, coordinator of the Risk Management Committee for the Engineering Department, conducted the workshop.

The presentation started with an explanation of different categories of risks that can happen in institutions. A detailed discussion was presented on classifying the identified risks as strategic type, operational type, financial type, compliance type and reputational type. 

At the end of the session, different methods of risk identification techniques were presented. A clear explanation was given on how to rank the identified risks to give priority or to manage it. The members in the risk committee were introduced to the students. Practice was given to write risks in the risk register. All the participants actively participated in the awareness programme. 

Sunday, 17 November 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

With the aim to lead a healthy lifestyle, the Health and Safety Committee organised a wellness practice workshop for women, “Health is Wealth”, on 31 October 2019 in the VIP Room.

Dr Sharmila Deve (Engineering Department), who conducted many wellness workshops in the past, was the resource person of this workshop. Dr Sujatha (Engineering Department) and Ms Subha Bharathi (Engineering Department) assisted as volunteers. 

Around 27 female faculty members participated in this programme. Exercises demonstrated simplified physical exercise, which anyone can do to avoid health problems. Women show more interest to do these exercises. 

The following exercises were explained with demonstrations:

1. Hand exercises 


  • Shoulder and hands are strengthened 
  • Arthritis problem reduced and possibly cured
  • Shoulder joint pain, finger joint pain and knee joints are cured
  • Trembling of hands are cured.

2. Leg Exercises


  • Legs are strengthened.
  • Blood circulation is regulated in all parts of the abdomen.
  • This exercise is curative and preventive for sciatica and arthritis.
  • By pressing and massaging the soles and the toes, important organs in the  body such as the heart, lungs, intestines, and brain are activated.

3. Breathing Exercises


  • Sinus problems are cured.
  • Dust and other particles in the nose and sinuses are removed. 
  • Body becomes energised.
  • Supply of blood to the brain increases.

The programme was planned for one hour, but due to more involvement from the participants, it was extended to two hours. All participants participated in the exercises and appreciated the demonstrations given by the presenters.

Sunday, 17 November 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a workshop on “AutoCAD Made Easy” on 30 October 2019 from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.

 Mr D. Prasanna Venkatesh delivered the presentation for the benefit of the staff members. He demonstrated the utility of the AutoCAD tools and commands through diagrams. His presentation mainly focused on line, circle, arc and dimensioning tools available in the AutoCAD software. He also explained various modifying and OSNAP commands to reduce drawing time. Hands-on training also given to faculty members using simple drawings to experience the software. The programme was well received by the staff and highly beneficial to the participants.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Orientation Program on Specialization Choice was conducted on Tuesday, 5th November 2019. The purpose of this program was to help the students of Information Technology Department who will move from Diploma year-I to Year-II and Diploma year-II to Advanced Diploma during semester-II of AY 2019-2020 to choose their specialization. 

Mr. Rajasekeran, Registration Committee coordinator and Mr. Shaik Mastan Vali, Academic Support Committee Coordinator of IT Department, arranged this program.  In this program, our department Registrar Mr.Rajasekaran, delivered a lecture to our students. During this program, he gave more information related to the different levels, specializations available in each level, courses offered, marks, grades, credits and briefly explained about the content of each course. He added some more information related to the job opportunities for each specializations and on the job training. He concluded the session by clarifying the student’s doubts and providing some important guidelines and advises which helps the students to choose their specialization.  

 Ms. Samiya Al Yaqoobi, IT-Coordinator translated the same information in Arabic, which helps the students to understand more clearly.

9 students were attended this program. The program started at 12.00 pm in lab-A119 attached (Hardware Lab) and ended at 12.50 pm. The Registration committee and the Academic Support Committee of the IT Department organized this program.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019 00:00 Written by in IT

Ibri College of Technology Engineering Department, through the Engineering Society and Competition Committees, held their Annual Technofest on 25 June 2019.  The best project, however, was evaluated during the end of the semester final project presentations, which were scheduled after 25 June 2019.  Thus, it was decided to release the announcement of results for the best project this Semester instead of during the July to August 2019 break.

Due to Ramadan, CASET 2K19, and time constraints, the number of competitions conducted was reduced to just three: Electrical Skills, Simulation Skills, and CAD Skills.

Engineering Department

  • Mr Nasser Al Shammakhi - Head of Engineering Department 
  • Dr Elangovan Krishnamoorthy - Head of Mechanical and Industrial Section 
  • Dr V. Ilankumaran - Head of Electrical and Electronics Section 

Engineering Society

  • Mrs Lizette Ivy Pascual (Electrical Power, Lecturer) – Coordinator
  • Mrs Nahid Khamis Al-Muqrashi (Applied Science, Technician) – Member
  • Mr Geoji Varghese (Electronics, Technician) – Member
  • Mr Abdul Hafeez Sajid (Electronics, Instructor) – Member
  • Mr Chandrashekar M. C. (Electrical Power, Instructor) – Member
Best Project Coordinators 


Mr Maswoodhur and Mr Veera Nagi – Electrical Project
Mr Abdul Hafeez Sajid and Dr Kumaravel – Electronics Project
Mr Joseph Michel and Mr Gopinanth – Mechanical Project

Electrical Skills Coordinators :  Mr Chandrasekhar B. L. and Mr Jayasankar Srilla
Simulation Skills Coordinators :  Mr Abdul Hafeez Sajid and Dr Kumaravel
CAD Skills Coordinator : Mr Mohammed Ali Taher and Mr Gopinath

 Of the three competitions that were organised, only Electrical Skills and CAD Skills yielded registrants/participants. The following were the declared winners:


The best project was judged according to the criteria shown below. The results/scores of the winners should be not be confused with the marks each student presenting earned during the final project presentation or the marks reflected in the transcripts for that project course. The evaluation for the best project is judged and evaluated for the entire group whose project is fully functional and presentable and whose members showed a degree of knowledgeability about their project.

There will one Best Project Award for each level and for each specialisation.  The following were the declared winners:

Thursday, 07 November 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

TheInnovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (IEU), represented by the head of IEU, Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, and  Elixir Soil team, participated in the 6th Cairo International Exhibition of Innovation from 24 to 25 October 2019, Egypt. The Elixir Soil team presented their project which is converting fish waste into fertilizer. Many visitors got impressed with this creative ideas as it solves a real environmental problem we are facing these days.  In the ending ceremony, Elixir Soil team won the second place within the international participations category.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The Health and Safety Committee of the Engineering Department organised a  training programme on fire safety and the use of fire extinguishers for the First Year Diploma Engineering students on 9 October 2019. Initially a presentation was given by Mr Stephan Leon, Ms Lizette, Dr G Sridhar Reddy, Dr Muruganatham, Mr A. Maswoodhour Rahman, Mr Joseph Michel and Mr Veera Nagi Reddy for all the first-year students in their workshop classes and training with a practical demonstration was held in the Engineering Department assembly point. Health and Safety committee members, Mr B. Shankar, Mr Sathaya, Dr Manikandan and Dr Alferd Franklin explained the principle of using different types of fire extinguishers. The demonstration was well received by the students and they benefited with hands-on training on firefighting procedures.

Thursday, 24 October 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (IEU), Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, delivered an awareness session on “How to Choose Your Specialization” on Thursday, 17th of October 2019, at Al-Ghaliya bint Nasser School, Ibri. The targeted audience was 10th grade school students. The main aim of the session was to make students aware of the current trends in the job market. The speaker, Mr Mohammed, motivated the students to focus more on such areas as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Business Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), 3D Printing, etc. At the end of the session, the director of the school, Ms Sheikha Al-Mahrooqi, gave a memento of appreciation to the speaker thanking him for being part of the awarenss session.

Thursday, 24 October 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies