The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a presentation “Dynamic Advisor Assistance Tool” on 20 June 2019 from 1.45 to 3 pm in the Free Access Lab of the Engineering Department, Ibri College of Technology. Mr D. Prasanna Venkatesh invented the DAAT tool, for the benefit of the advisors. He demonstrated the use of the newly devised tool “Dynamic Advisor Assistance Tool” to the staff of the Engineering Department. The tool was invented to reduce human errors. 

This tool properly guides the advisor during pre-advising and advising. It also dynamically helps the advisor in different situations, such as when to advise five courses, when to advise four courses, when to advise mixed level courses and so on. This tool also helps the advisor by giving a warning message and sound when the advisor makes mistakes during advising and pre-advising. It also helps the advisor to check whether his advisee is eligible for Advanced Diploma, Bachelors, and so on. It also helps the advisor to check marginal or critical cases, amongst others.


Friday, 05 July 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering


The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department, Ibri College of Technology, conducted training on “General Cycle Refrigeration Trainer with Hermetic Compressor” on 20 June 2019 at 10 am in new thermodynamics lab. 

The service engineer, Mr Ashok from Imtac L.L.C, explained the need and importance of refrigeration systems. He then demonstrated the refrigeration trainer kit and provided tips for the maintenance of refrigeration kits.

The speaker encouraged the participants to ask questions and he and clarified their queries. The participants benefitted and reacted positively to the programme. 


Friday, 05 July 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (IEU), represented by four business students, Shihab Al Alawi, Nassr Al Mammari, Yarub Al Mamari and Shoukat Al Balushi, participated in the Leadership and Management Forum on Sunday, 30th June 2019, at Oman Convention and Exhibition Center. The forum was organised by Oman Academy for SMEs. It was delivered by Dr John Maxwell, an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and author who has sold over 16 million books. Dr John Maxwell discussed some of the key topics in leadership, including how to become an influential and charismatic leader for life, how to live your life with intention and the five levels of leadership. The four students expressed their satisfaction for attending such a big event and gaining valuable learning experiences. 

Monday, 01 July 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The Information Technology Department conducted its 1st Interdepartmental Computer Hardware Troubleshooting Competition on 25 June 2019 at 12noon in the Hardware Lab. Eighteen students registered online and 15 joined the competition.

The objectives of the competition were to provide avenues for students to improve their technical skills in troubleshooting, to establish a life-long learning through acquisition and application of technological knowledge and to enhance their participation and partnership relations within and beyond the Colleges of Technology. 

The competition started with the welcome address from Dr Duhai Al Shukeili, HoD and an inspirational message delivered by Mr Abdullah Al Shukaili, head of the Education Technology Centre. After the opening part, Mr Wilson (member of the organising team), read the mechanics of the competition and introduced the members of assessors. The closing ceremony was attended by members of the Administrative staff headed by our college dean, Dr Hamdan Al Manthari and the assistant dean for administrative and financial affairs, Mr Rashid Al Hinai. The dean awarded prizes for the winners as follows:

  1. First Prize:  Ahmed Marhoon Al Yaqoobi (76J17153)
  2. Second Prize:  Khalid Saleh Al Jabri (76S16510)
  3. Third Prize:  Ali Salim Al Shouhumi (71S1751)

The assessors were the following:  Dr Qais, Ms Nasim, Mr Ferdinand and Mr Eugene, while the organizing team was composed of Dr Duhai, HoD, Mr William, HoS-IT, Mr Wilson Alexander  and Mr Isabelo Paat.

After the competition, refreshments were served, and survey feedback was distributed to students. As a result, most of the students agreed that the contest has improved their technical skills in troubleshooting (4.1 mean score), that the contest helped them to establish life-long learning through acquisition and application of technological knowledge (4.1 mean score), and the contest has enhanced their participation and partnership within the Information Technology Department and the college (4.0 mean score). 


Thursday, 27 June 2019 00:00 Written by in IT

On Monday, 17 June 2019 The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), under the initiative of Mr Arnold Santos, held the “Present Around the World” Sultanate of Oman Qualifying Competition at Modern College of Business and Science in Muscat. This qualifying competition is aimed to get the Oman representative for the GCC Regional Competition, which is tentatively set be held in either July or August 2019; with the host country still not finalised. The winner of the Regional Competition will be sent to the global competition, which is to be held in Greece.

The Oman Qualifying Competition has 11 contestants coming from Ibri College of Technology, Nizwa College of Technology, Ibra College of Technology, Shinas College of Technology, Military Technological College, Gulf College, and Modern College of Business and Science.

Ibri College of Technology sent two student representatives: Ms Carmel Ghani (Presenter No. 1) and Ms Omaima Hafedh Al-Shaibani (Presenter No. 9). They were accompanied by two staff members, Mr Abdul Hafeez Sajid and Mrs Lizette Ivy C. Pascual.

The First Place Winner was from Nizwa College of Technology, Second Place from Shinas College of Technology, and Third Place from Modern College of Technology.

Even though IbriCT representatives did not win, it was a fruitful and meaningful experience for them. They learned a lot from the presentations and presenters. It encouraged them and made them realise the areas where they can improve in, to become better presenters and versions of themselves.


Thursday, 27 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

Quality Assurance Department (QAD) at IbriCT took the initiative to create awareness on quality assurance and ISAA related activities innovatively. 

In this regard, QAD conducted ISAA Gala and QAD Shop inauguration on 23 June, 2019 at 10.30 AM at the College reception hall. The event was officially opened with the ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari, Dean of IbriCT and QAD Chair, together with Dr Ahmed Al-Mamari, Dean of ShCT, Mr Ali Al-Kalbani, Member of College Council, Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA and Ms Nawal Al-Sawafi, ADSA. 

Ms Heba Qureshi, QAD Head, welcomed the dignitaries, staff, students, parents and other guests. She also gave an orientation on the objectives of ISAA Gala. She mentioned that this ISAA Gala is an awareness campaign which will be continued throughout upcoming years and in each gala, two standards will be oriented to the stakeholders.

The importance of the event towards accreditation was explained by Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari. 

QAD officer and Business Studies lecturer, Dr Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili, presented the purpose of QAD shop. He said that the idea of QAD shop was proposed on 18th of May 2019 to enhance the quality culture at college. QAD shop is actually a hub where ‘shoppers’ could go and look for things that catch their interest, including: QA leaflets on ADRI, brochures on SP, posters on college progress towards OAAA accreditation 2020, Quality Assurance Manual and the like are displayed on shelves. 

An informative and interesting ISAA Marketing video as a roadmap to OAAA accreditation with opinions of stakeholders was spearheaded by Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari, QAD officer and ELC lecturer. 

ISAA awareness series was commenced with the awareness on standard 1led by Dr Pugalarasu, member of Standard 1 Working Group and Head of Mathematics Section. He enhanced the knowledge of the stakeholders on Standard 1: Governance and Management.

To lighten the event and evaluate the learning of attendees on standards 1 and 2, Ms Heba Qureshi conducted a KAHOOT quiz on the said standards. The quiz also included some important information related to ISAM. At the end of the quiz, prizes were distributed to the winners. Mr Joseph Michel stood third, Ms Laly Anthony secured the second position and a parent of an alumnus got the first place.

A brief description of ISAA Standard 2: Student Learning by Coursework Programs was given by Dr Sultan Al-Ghafri, ELC Head of Section and acting chairman of standard 2.

Mr. Omar Al-Balushi, Head of Business Department, expounded the importance of surveys. 

Dr. Ahmed Mohammad Al-Mamari, Dean of ShCT, shared his views on the successful event. He congratulated the dean and the college for creating awareness innovatively. He was overwhelmed with the strategies that the college thought of. He commented that, with the shown enthusiasm and creative approach, he is confident that IbriCT will definitely be successful in achieving the accreditation.

Ms Nawal thanked the participation of parents, alumni and other stakeholders from the community.

Mr Basim Al-Mushaifri, Head of ELC, and Mr Rashid Al-Hinai, ADAFA, appreciated the efforts of QAD in conducting this event and motivated the staff and students to visit the shop regularly and enjoy shopping at QAD shop.

To wrap up the event, Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari thanked the dignitaries, staff, students and other stakeholders for gracing the event and mentioned that the core objective of QAD is to create a culture of quality at IbriCT.  

In the end, the attendees were also requested to give feedback through Mentimeter. Mr Rashid Al-Hinai collected the feedback and interacted with the attendees meanwhile. Feedback results show that ISAA Gala and QAD Shop scored excellent response from the stakeholders. Most of the audience strongly agree that the event was a good initiative to follow the roadmap towards accreditation.

Coffee chat followed. The participants talked freely on quality assurance and at the same time enjoyed each other’s company over a cup of coffee and snacks. At the same time, they had the opportunity to go shopping at the QAD shop. 

ISAA Gala was ended with a photo session at 1:00 PM.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance TAGS

The coordinator of Entrepreneurship Club (E-club), Mr Zaid Al-Badi, participated in the 2nd Entrepreneurship Forum organised by Higher College of Technology from 16th to 17th of June 2019 at Crown Plaza Muscat Hotel. On the first day of the forum, Dr Ahmed Al-Ghassani, CEO of the Public Authority for SME Development, delivered a presentation on the role of higher education institutions in entrepreneurship ecosystem development. Also, success stories for Omani entrepreneurs were shared for inspiring students and motivate them to become entrepreneurs. On the second day of the forum, HCT organised business ideas marathon for 18 higher education institutions. IbriCT was represented by five members of the E-club. The participants were asked to present their feasibility studies to a panel of professional entrepreneurs and were evaluated accordingly. HCT got the first-prize with an award of 1500 OMR, College of Applied Sciences – Sur got the second-prize with an award of 1000 OMR  and Sultan Qaboos University got the third-prize with an award of 500 OMR.

Monday, 24 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The workshop was conducted by Business studies department of Al Musanna College of Technology, sponsored by Sohar port freezone on 20th June 2019. Department of Business Studies of Ibri College of Technology nominated 4 members - Mr. Omar Hasan Ali Al-Balushi, Dr.Mohammed Abed Ali, Mr. Manikandan, and Dr. Mohammed Quadir Mohiuddin to attend this workshop.

The said workshop was from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m., Auditorium of ACT. The session’s resource person Dr.Hashil Al-Saadi discussed about Making the Most of Higher Education: Promoting Learner Autonomy for survival in the 21st century and Student Engagement in Learning: Critiquing Current practices and Exploring New Venues.  

The participants for this workshop were from all the COT’s. The participants of IbriCT got an opportunity to interact with all the fellow fraternity for exchange their view and ideas about the teaching and learning in the current situation. 

The participants extend their heartfelt thanks to the College Management and Department Council for nominating us for such learning environment.

Monday, 24 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit (IEU), Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, participated in the 8th Student Forum for Technical Colleges held at Salalah College of Technology (SCT) from 19th to 20th June 2019. On the first day of the forum, there was an inauguration held under the auspices of Sheikh Salim bin Aufeit bin Abdullah al Shanfari, head of Dhofar Municipality. Then, four speakers delivered presentations concerning the importance of protecting innovative ideas, the use of innovative products in One-million Date Palms Project, key investments by Oman Technology Fund (OTF) and students’ innovative projects. There was also an exhibition for projects created by students from Salalah College of Technology. On the second day of the forum, SCT organised an educational trip to Salalah Free Zone to get more insights into the key facilities provided to investors in the Free Zone.

Monday, 24 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

IT students of Ibri College of Technology participated in Student National Symposium IR 4.0 that is conducted in Higher College of Technology-Musact in Tuesday 18/06 under patronage of Dr Muna Salim Al Jardani, Undersecretary of Manpower Ministry for Technical Education and Vocational Training.

The students Salim Al Badi &  Almuayad AL-Maqbali gave workshop about network security as they explained about their  project which is titled” Light Box Virtual Pen-testing lab”. They mentioned in details the idea of their project and the objectives of it, which are: enable the security specialist to how find the vulnerabilities in the web by using legal ways and how to enhance ethical hacking skills. After that, the speakers discussed about the common bugs that may affect web application based on website. Furthermore, they highlighted in the practical part about how to detect the weakness by using his web site. In addition, they spoke about the tools that they used to build his project which are raspberry pi 3, Ethernet cable and Modem, and Power supply.

 The students Hajar Al Shukili & Eman Al Shukri gave workshop about Internet of Things  as they explained about their  project which is titled” An electronic Garden Irrigation System”. They mentioned in details the idea of their  project and the objectives of it, which are: create access control system which prohibit the unauthorized  users from getting access to the garden and  the encrypted card can be used to getting access to the system, the system depends on the sensors to be worked and this system can notify the farmer if anything is happening  by using GPRS module or also called SMS model and the system can send alarm by making a sound to notify the farmer and predict for any dangerous event.


Monday, 24 June 2019 00:00 Written by in IT