QAD conducted an awareness session for foundation students in order to prepare them for the upcoming OAAA audit 2020 on Thursday 13 June 2019 in the Lecture Theater. Students were divided into two slots:

  • The first session with Levels 3 and 4 students at 9 AM.
  • The second with Levels 1 and 2 students at 11 AM. 

QAD decided to orient the students on the following aspects:

  1.  College policies related to students.
  2.  To enhance students' knowledge on upcoming OAAA assessment audit. 
  3.  To enhance students' knowledge on the knowledge on OAAA quality audit in 2013.
  4.  Students roles as per college bylaws: its importance for students and staff.
  5.  Students' code of conduct.

The presenters were QAD Officers, Dr Abdulsalam Al-Manthari, Dr Abdulraman Al-Ismaili and Ms Basma Al-Alawi.

Dean of the College, Dr Hamdan Al-Manthari graced the first session and emphasized the significance of knowing about quality assurance. Feedback on the two sessions was taken by answering questions online using Mentimeter software. Feedback results show that students benefited from these sessions and wanted to have more awareness sessions. 90% of the students strongly agreed that the session was beneficial and it has improved their prior knowledge about policies and QA related matters. They asked the several questions from the Dean and participated in fruitful discussions.


Wednesday, 19 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Quality Assurance


Under the patronage of Dr Muna Al Jardani, Undersecretary of Ministry of Manpower for Technical Education and Vocational Training, Oman Academy for SME organised a graduation ceremony for honouring 48 faculty members who successfully completed the Certified Entrepreneurship Educator (CEE) programme. The ceremony was organised on Wednesday, 12th of June 2019, at Levatio Hotel, Muscat. IbriCT was represented by two of its members; Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit, and Mr Manikandan Sathyamoorthy, accounting lecturer at the Business Studies Department. 

Monday, 17 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The Risk Management Committee of the Department of Business Studies conducted an awareness Program on Risk Management for different levels of students of Business Studies on 7th March and 10th March 2019. The program objective was to create awareness among the students on Risk Management and collect the risks from the students. 

Mr Enthiyaz khan, the coordinator of the Risk Management Committee, gave a presentation in this regard. In his presentation, he gave clear understanding of the meaning of Risk Management, the objectives of Risk Management at IBRICT. 

While explaining Risk identification, he explained different types of risks such as Strategic, Operational, Financial, Complain and Reputation risks along with their definitions and examples. He also collected the risks from the students . It was an interactive session, which enhanced the knowledge of audiences on various aspects of Risks and its Management.

Saturday, 15 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

Business Society of Department of Business Studies organized Mock Interview for Business Studies students to expose them to real time interview feel. For the Mock Interview 14 students registered from Advanced and Bachelor Level from Accounting and HR Specialization

The program was conducted in 016A from 12 to 2pm. Business Department HOD Mr Omar Al Balushi and HOS Ms Safiya Al Hamdi welcomed   Mr Ismail Saif Salem Al Shmali, Director of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr Talal Hamood Mohammed Al Balushi, Head of Section, Administration and Finance, College of Health Science as External Panel for Interview and Dr Quadir Mohiuddin Mohammed Lecturer, Department of Business Studies as Internal Panel member. 

All registered students were present on time with their CV hardcopy and attended the Mock Interview. Each students had 5 minutes of interview in which the external and internal panel assessed their performance in Assessment form.  The program ended at 2 pm with the Token of   appreciation to External and Internal panel Members by HOD Mr Omar Al Balushi. The students and panel members were happy about their experience.


Friday, 14 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies


 The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a training programme on Governors Apparatus and Brake Drum Friction Apparatus on 27 May 2019 from 10 am to 1 pm.

The training session was conducted by Mr Dinesh, engineer/technician from P.A Hilton Ltd.

The governor apparatus includes the porter governor, proell governor and Hartnell governor setups. With this setup, one can study/observe the lift-off speed of the three different types of governor, the effect of varying sleeve weight or spring force on the operation of a governor and the stability of a governor. The lift verses speed can be plotted for all the governors and the same can be verified analytically. 

The Brake Drum Friction Apparatus has a brake drum with an internal expanding shoe. Depending on the direction of rotation of the drum, this shoe acts as leading shoe or trailing shoe. The objective of the experiment is to compare the braking effect of a leading and trailing shoe. In addition, a coefficient of friction for the brake lining on a bare aluminium drum can be evaluated. 

Faculty members as well as the technicians of Mechanical Engineering benefitted from the training session.


Monday, 10 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering


 The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a two-day training programme on Four-stroke Petrol and Diesel Engine Trainer Kit on 28 and 29 May 2019.

The two-day training programme on installation, commissioning, demonstration and maintenance of four-stroke petrol and diesel engine was conducted out at new thermodynamics laboratory. The resource person from ATLAB called to familiarise staff with the installation, commissioning, demonstration and maintenance of engines for the Thermodynamics II lab. Mr Dinesh Murugesan, assistant manager Customer Support, gave training in following areas:

  • Performance test on petrol and diesel engines
  • Load test on petrol and diesel engines
  • Heat balance sheet on diesel engine
  • Maintenance of the petrol and diesel engines

All the participants benefitted from the training.

Participation and Interaction of staff members


Sunday, 09 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Engineering

In order to encourage social cohesion culture among its staff during the holy month of Ramadan, the Business Studies Department organised an “Iftar Gathering” On Sunday, 2 June 2019, at the college reception. The gathering was attended by the HoD and 15 faculty members.

Monday, 03 June 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

On 31st January 2019 the ELC Staff Professional Development Committee organized a training workshop entitled ‘How to Use ProQuest Effectively’ for its staff members to enhance their research activity and teaching methods.  

The purpose of this training workshop was to create awareness among the ELC staff on ProQuest, its applications and how its resources support in research and learning. The training session was aimed at encouraging teachers to include ProQuest in their teaching methods so the students’ learning process can be more practical, innovative, and engaging. 

Mr. Abdullah Al Shukeily, the Head of ETC, conducted the training workshop wherein he introduced the staff members to ‘ProQuest’ and its uses. Later he demonstrated the steps involved in registering oneself as a member and the subsequent process on how it can be included into one’s research and learning. He also demonstrated: how to register the students on ProQuest and utilize its applications effectively in their learning.

He urged the ELC staff  to encourage their students to register and start using various applications on ProQuest and make their learning more practical and resourceful.  It was very beneficial for the targeted audience so that they can indeed help their students, in learning and teaching and learning process.  At the end, Dr. Sultan Al- Ghafri, the Head of ELP Section handed over the certificate to the presenter. 


Thursday, 30 May 2019 00:00 Written by in ELC

The ELC Staff Professional Development Committee organized a workshop on Tuesday 28 May 2019 in the VIP room by Ms. Rahma AlAlawi, the ELC Quality Assurance Coordinator on “Enhancement of Quality Culture at the College” as part of Quality Assurance Awareness Sessions. Ms. Rahma addressed many points regarding how ELC lecturers can relate their daily work with Quality Assurance and ADRI Cycle (Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvement) and how well ELC lecturers are aware of their roles and responsibilities as per College By-Laws. She also emphasized on the importance of documenting the work in a proper format. Ms. Rahma concluded the session by showing the staff how to upload files and folders in the ELC SharePoint. At the end, Mr. Basim Al Mushaifri, the head of ELC, handed over the certificate to the presenter.  


Wednesday, 29 May 2019 00:00 Written by in ELC

New Student Induction Program -- Business Studies Department was conducted on February 12, 2019 at 11:40 in Room 16 A & B. As a part of the activity Mr. Prasad P.M., represented the learning Resource Committee. He gave a presentation on E-Learning platform and how it is useful to the students in their learning process at IbriCT. 

In his presentation, Mr. Prasad also gave an insight to the students on ProQuest an e-source of learning and its usefulness. He explained then how it simplifies workflows so that students can use time effectively. He explained the students on how to register their ID on ProQuest and the subsequent steps of using it. 

The session was quite an interactive one where the students came up with their queries and the presenters ably answered them.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019 00:00 Written by in Business Studies