A new semester means there are new intakes of students who have chosen to specialise in Engineering.  These new students need to become acquainted and be made aware of the numerous policies, rules, and regulations that all must adhere to while studying in Ibri College of Technology, Engineering Department.

 Since it has proven to be the more efficient strategy in ensuring that a majority of these new students are reached and oriented, the Induction Programme is scheduled to be held in the CECE 1100 – Engineering Graphics Classes, a course new Engineering students take upon entering the Department.

 There are ten (10) sections in all.  Several speakers were assigned to take on the task: Dr V Ilankumaran for Sections 1 and 2, Dr K Elangovan for Sections 5 and 10, Dr B Geetha for Sections 4 and 9, Mr Ragupathi for Sections 3 and 6, and Mr. S. Naik for Sections 7 and 8.


Sunday, 04 November 2018 00:00 Written by in Engineering

In the Engineering Department of the college, staff development programmes are being conducted in an enthusiastic way. As a regular series of STAFF DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES, the Research and Consultancy Committee, in conjunction with the Staff Development Committee, organised a seminar on the topic RESEARCH SCOPE ON SMART CITY.

Sunday, 04 November 2018 00:00 Written by in Engineering

 An OJT orientation programme was organised on 23 October 2018 from 12pm to 1pm in the Lecture Theatre at Ibri College of Technology. The College OJT Committee, in coordination with the Business Studies Department, Information Technology Department, and Engineering Departments, organised the event. 

Mr Saif Al Alawi, the HR manager of Majan Electricity Company, Suhar branch, was invited as guest speaker for the event. He explained to the students the significance of on-the-job-training and also explained the significance of planning in life. 

Mr Ali Al-Alawi, the college OJT coordinator, briefed the students about college OJT procedures and elaborated the details of organisations that are willing to provide OJT along with stipend. 

Dr Vishwanath, OJT coordinator for the Business Studies Department, briefed the students about the significance of OJT and how students can use OJT as a platform to bridge the gap between students’ capabilities and organisational expectations.

The OJT Coordinators of the IT Department Mr Junaith Nasser, Mr Taher and Mr Prasad, OJT Coordinator from the Engineering Department, also had an interactive session with students regarding the on-the-job training procedures in their chosen field of specialisation. 

About 45 students attended this interactive orientation programme and benefitted from it.


Thursday, 01 November 2018 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

The Student Research Committee of the Business Studies Department conducted a workshop on 10 October 2018 on “Research Proposal Writing” for senior and graduation project students, in the VIP Room of the college. The objective of the workshop was to provide an awareness on, and significance of, writing research proposals and how it helps the researcher to accomplish the desired outcomes from the research.

Dr Ansarul Haque, as the resource person, discussed the need and importance of a research proposal. He also added how good research proposals are funded by different funding agencies in Oman.

In his presentation the speaker highlighted the essentials of a good proposal and explained in detail how students can bring good quality to their research proposals.

Dr Ansarul then discussed the content of a quality research proposal at length. He also made students aware about The Research Council of Oman (TRC) and its funding guidelines for good researches programmes.

The session was interactive, and lasted about an hour, with 20 students participating along with faculty members from the Business Studies Department.


Thursday, 01 November 2018 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

On Thursday, 11 October 2018, Mr Brian Gee Chacko and Ms Fatma Al Shamli, representatives of the Industrial Link and Student Services Committees respectively, visited the Information Technology Authority (ITA), Oman, in Al Khoud, with a group of 21 students. The objective of the visit was to establish links in specifically the following areas:

  • Technology Awareness 
  •  Student Training 
  •  Entrepreneurship/Incubation 
  •  Job Opportunities 
  •  Projects 

Ms Ameera, Senior Project Specialist from ITA, welcomed the group for a tour to SAS Mob, and SAS VR.

SAS Mob: 

The Mobile Development Centre organised a tour to illustrate how they operate. She told the group that there are three specific areas of training and development – Android, iOS and Hybrid. The centre conducts training in these areas and offer programming languages for three months. For a rapid training course, the centre provides a ten-day programme for both students and staff. SAS Mob provides devices to suitable candidates to test their apps and additionally to be consultants for any particular project. SAS Mob supports corporate training for various companies or institutions on prior request. 


The key highlight of ITA was the Virtual Reality (VR) centre, where Ms Ameera gave a tour of the centre and their capabilities of enhancing user experience by creating fully immersive systems that help in the areas of education and business. Many students experienced a ‘W-O-W’ factor that gave them an opportunity to experience graphical objects modelled from real world objects and also ‘walk around’ in the virtual environment. Ms Ameera offered assistance on many aspects and discussed training workshops that can be planned on demand.

We have requested ITA to visit our college to provide a session on idea sharing and entrepreneurship. 

This visit achieved a feedback mean score of 4.43. 

For more information, please visit www.ibrictblogit.weebly.com


Monday, 29 October 2018 00:00 Written by in IT

The Scientific Research Department at the College of Applied Sciences, Ibri,in collaboration withthe Research and Consultancy Committee of the Information Technology Department of Ibri college of Technology,organised the first CAS Ibri IT Seminar, on 09 October 2018 from 12 noon to 02pm in C003, C-Building, College of Applied Sciences, Ibri.Dr Munesh Singh gave a welcome speech and introduced the speakers to the audience before starting the sessions.He spoke about the establishment of the collaboration between the IT department of CAS Ibri and Ibri College Technologyand discussed the research groups. The speakers then started their presentations, as per the schedule below:

Time (Duration)



Presenter: Mr Mangesh Ramdasji

Title: Open Mining in Social Networks


Presenters: Mr T B Prasad Reddy and Ms Sana Fathima

Title: Deep Learning for IOT Big Data and Streaming Analytics


Presenter: Dr Virendra Gawande

Title: Adoption of Blended Learning Technology

1:50pm-1:55 pm

Thanksgiving Address

 In the end, feedback was collected from members attending the seminar. The majority showed their satisfaction with the arrangements. On the scale of 5, the average feedback was 3.812.

Sunday, 28 October 2018 00:00 Written by in IT

During accidents and in emergency conditions, victims undergoing surgery are in need of blood for transfusion. Hospitals keep stock of different groups of blood in their blood bank to meet the need.  With the help of Ministry of Health, the college organised blood donation camps on 25 September 2018 and 3 October 2018. A total of 80 units of blood were donated by staff and students.

Blood donation will have the following benefits:

  •  Reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by reducing the viscosity of the blood.
  •  Risk of cancer is minimised by the reduction of excess iron in the blood.
  •  Fitness is ensured by burning excess calories.

“Donate blood to save lives”


Sunday, 28 October 2018 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The Students Activities and Community Service Committee opened its first Speaking Café on Tuesday, 16 October 2018. The committee is headed by Ms Hind Al Mahrooqi.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018 00:00 Written by in ELC

The OJT and Industrial Link Committee of the Engineering Department organised a visit to the electricity and water pump station at Diam.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018 00:00 Written by in Engineering

The ELC E-Learning Committee and Staff Professional Development Committee organised a training workshop on

Thursday, 18 October 2018 00:00 Written by in ELC