As per one of the decisions made by the College Academic Committee to conduct practical workshops on Bloom's Taxonomy in line with the OQF, the ELC decided to conduct a series of Workshops on Bloom's Taxonomy. The Research Committee facilitated the first of these workshops on the 5th of June, at 11:00 am, in classrooms 2017-2018. Joseph Vadakel and Jose Chandapillai were the presenters. 


Ms. Anuradha, the moderator of the workshop, welcomed the attendees. She emphasized that Bloom’s Taxonomy is used to create learning outcomes and to create assessment parameters that accurately report students’ progress on these learning outcomes.  

Mr.Joseph handled the first part of the session and stated that not many teachers are aware of Bloom’s Taxonomy, as per the survey that was taken in ICT and hoped that teachers would use Bloom’s Taxonomy consciously in teaching and assessing. He showed the participants a video, which showed the pyramid of lower order thinking skills, such as remember, understand, apply, and higher order thinking skills like: analyze, evaluate and create, suitable for all learners, from the Foundation to Advanced level. After that, Mr.Joseph gave a reading passage about a farmer’s tale, with questions and instructions. The teachers had to underline the action verbs in each question or instruction and categorize them under the appropriate label of lower order thinking skills, such as: remember and understand. The activity was done in groups, with some teachers conferring with others, as to which label each verb belonged to.

Mr.Jose handled the next part of the session, where the teachers were given another handout with a reading passage taken from the current book Pathways used in the Foundation programme and a list of Bloom’s Taxonomy action verbs, categorized under remembering and understanding. The participants were asked to read the passage and prepare questions making using of these verbs. Most of the participants shared their questions in the end.

Mr.Jabez, a member of the research committee also took this opportunity to encourage staff to form research and consultancy teams, which is according to criterion 


Thursday, 05 July 2018 00:00 Written by in ELC

 The Staff Development Committee of the IT department organised a workshop on interpersonal understanding by Dr S K Balaji, Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration Department, College of Applied Sciences, Ibri on 7 June 2018 from 12 noon to 1pm in the VIP Room.

The workshop started with a formal welcome and introduction of Dr Balaji by Dr Shamugrathinam, Coordinator of SDC, IT Department. Dr Balaji initially started with why it is important to know people behaviour and our inner self, what stress etc. is, to build a tempo. He spoke about emotional quotient, ego, etc. and defined these terms technically.

In the later part he made people to learn simple techniques to relieve stress and to understand their own self by simple mediation techniques. The responses were very rejuvenating from the audiences after they experienced it themselves. All attendees wished to attend similar workshop in future.

In the end, Dr  Pugalarasu, HOS, Math section thanked Dr Balaji for his wonderful workshop and appreciated his efforts by presenting him the certificate.



Wednesday, 04 July 2018 00:00 Written by in IT TAGS


Staff Development Committee of the IT department organised the first irst of its planned IT seminar series for the coming session in coordination with the IT department Ibri College of Applied Sciences on 12 June 2018 from 11am to 12.35pm in LAB-2. The main idea of the series of seminars is to share the knowledge of practicing researchers among the faculty members and foster their research quotient to actively participate in collaborative research activities with IbriCAS. IT seminars will be conducted every two months either in IBRICT or in IbriCAS.

Thursday, 14 June 2018 00:00 Written by in IT TAGS

As a part of its series of workshops on Bloom’s Taxonomy, the Department of Business Studies conducted the third and final workshop on 26 June 2018, from 12pm to 2pm in Room 091B. The workshop started with an introduction by Dr Tamil Selvan, welcoming the HOD, HOS HR and Accounting and staff members. 

Dr Murale Venugopalan, speaker of the workshop, discussed the cognitive levels 5 and 6 - Evaluation and Creation.  A case “Terror at the Taj Bombay: Customer-Centric Leadership, Multimedia Case” was discussed at length. A scenario-based simulation followed it. 

Through his presentation, Dr Murale attempted to demonstrate the concept of teaching using multimedia case studies and simulation. He emphasised that teaching with technology can deepen student learning by supporting instructional objectives.  The speaker then explained to the members the technologies that can be used in delivering the course for the students. All the members present there had a fruitful session, displayed active participation and contributed with their respective feedback. It marked the end of the series of workshops on Bloom’s Taxonomy that were conducted by the Department.


Monday, 02 July 2018 00:00 Written by in Business Studies

On 24 May 2018, an orientation programme on road safety was conducted by the Health and Safety Committee in collaboration with the Risk Management Committee- Department of Business Studies, Ibri College of Technology.

The objective of the programme was to create more awareness among the staff members of the department. It was conducted in Room 91A from 9.00am to 9.30am. Dr K. Elangovan was invited as a keynote speaker. He gave a presentation on traffic accidents on road in Oman, causes for accidents, forces acting on a car, role of speed in accidents, differences between 2WD and 4WD vehicles, types of traffic accidents and collisions. 

He closed his session by explaining safety precautions drivers and passengers should observe while on the move. The session was very interesting and enriched the knowledge of staff members on road safety.




Sunday, 01 July 2018 00:00 Written by in Business Studies TAGS

The Ibri College of Technology Engineering Department held one of its regular Orientation Programmes, “Choosing a Specialisation in Engineering”, in the Physics 2 Laboratory Classes (as per class schedule) in the Physics Lab (1078) for all the eight sections. It was scheduled and held on 11-13, 19, and 24 June 2018.

Dr K. Elangovan, Dr V. Ilankumaran, Dr Geetha, and Mr Ragupathi served as the speakers who oriented students on the various available Engineering fields offered in the seven Colleges of Technology in Oman, the qualifications for admissions, and the procedure on how to choose the College and Specialisation each would prefer taking.


Sunday, 01 July 2018 00:00 Written by in Engineering TAGS

The Risk Management Committee of the Department of Business Studies organised a risk awareness programme in two sessions, for the students on Tuesday 27 March 2018, from 8:00am to 8:30am in Class Room C003 and from 2pm to 2:30pm in Room number C004. The aim of the programme was to make students aware of various risks and enrich their knowledge on Risk Management. 

As a part of a series of its workshops, the Business Studies Department conducted a second workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy on 19 June 2017 from 12pm to 2pm at Class 0091 B. The workshop started with an introduction by Dr Manjula V, welcoming the HOD, HOS HR and Accounting and staff members of the Business Studies Department. The objective of the workshop was to have an insight into how a teacher approaches and delivers different outcomes of his/her course at the Advanced Diploma Level.


Dr Tamilselvan, speaker for the day, gave a brief introduction about Blooms Taxonomy and its revised version 2001. He then gave a presentation on Analysing and Application aspects of the Cognitive Domain – Knowledge Based. The speaker explained the techniques, which can be implemented by the teachers in the delivery of course to their students. An activity was conducted in which teaching methodologies and best assessment process for the courses were discussed at length.  For this, two subjects from each level were selected.  All the teachers present were divided into six groups and all participated enthusiastically and made the event fruitful. 


The speaker then concluded the workshop by informing the participants the third workshop of the series would be conducted soon.


Thursday, 21 June 2018 00:00 Written by in Business Studies TAGS

The Staff Development Committee of the Engineering Department organised a workshop on Cognitive skills (Blooms Taxonomy) - OQF Requirement on 7 June 2018 from 11.00am to 01.00pm. It was the third programme on Bloom’s Taxonomy and the second on “cognitive levels”.

Dr K. Elangovan, HoS, Mechanical Section, Mr Naik Sreenivas and Mr Abid Siddique, lecturers, Engineering Department, conducted the programme.

The workshop started with a presentation by the speakers on the Oman National Qualification framework and cognitive skills requirements for various levels of programmes. A detailed explanation was given to use Bloom’s Taxonomy as a tool for curriculum planning, instructional delivery and assessment. Six different cognitive levels on Bloom’s domain were discussed.

Dr K. Elangovan explained all the cognitive levels as per the Oman National Qualification Framework (OQF) and briefed the audience about the OQF. He also explained that why it is important to follow cognitive levels at a different level.

Mr Abid Siddique, then in continuation, explained Bloom’s Taxonomy and the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and their differences. He also explained “metacognitive level” as per the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy which was also an important objective of the presentation.

Furthermore, Mr Abid and Mr Naik Sreenivas explained the cognitive levels in detail. 

The speakers then explained how to structure and frame outcomes according to the cognitive levels and to incorporate that knowledge in teaching and assessments. 

In continuation of this presentation, an activity was carried out among staff to familiarise the classification of outcomes, based on the cognitive levels included in the courses of the Diploma level programme. Staff were divided into groups based on their specialisation and outcomes for selected subjects in diploma level were given to them to analyse the cognitive level of different courses.

This programme was well received by the staff and highly beneficial to the participants.



The Health and Safety Committee of the Business Studies Department conducted a programme on home remedies and health management for the Business Studies Department staff on 7 December 2017, from 10am to 11am in Class Room 91 A. The objective of the programme was to increase the knowledge of the staff members on home remedies and health management.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018 00:00 Written by in Business Studies