Keeping in mind the importance of research activities, IBRICT has launched a Research Funding Programme. Research and Consultancy Committee IBRICT organized a session about its awareness under Dr. Anupriya. IBRICT has launched this internal funding programe to nurture Research Culture and Consultancy Services among the Faculty and Students to promote research culture. RCC Committee will have one chairperson and Coordinators from each department including IT, Business, Engineering and ELC. Coordinator will further arrange teams.

Six main research areas have been identified in the College’s Research Agenda for period 2017-2022. The areas are:

  •  Minining and Mineral Resources
  • Renewable Energy 
  • Tourism in Mountain-desert Areas
  • Agricultural Engineering & product Marketing 
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Data Mining

The research proposal will be evaluated for a total score of 100 points. The deliberation of the points include the followings:

  •  Scientific, academic, innovative or technical merit and competency- 50%
  • Capacity building-20%
  • Collaboration with other departmens of college or government organiations or outside agencies-10% 
  • Interdisciplinary project-5% 
  • Topics in college research agenda-10% 
  • Prior Publication in related field-5%

Maximum limit for budget will be 1000 OMR for one project. Which shouldn’t contain more than 20% of the maximum limit for scholarly activities like attending workshops, seminars, conferences, and related travel expense.


On Thursday, 10 May 2018, Ibri College of Technology participated in the final phase of Hackathon Day, the big event that is a part of Oman IoT Olympics 2018 hosted by the Higher College of Technology, Muscat.
The competition has three stages Creathon Day, Packathon Day and Hackathon Day.

The opening ceremony and Creathon Day (First Phase) was held on 18 April 2018, whereas Packathon Day (Second Phase) and Hackathon Day (Final Phase) were held on 30 April 2018 and 10 May 2018 respectively.

On Wednesday July 9th, 2018, the ELC gathered in Dr Sultan’s office to celebrate the success of 4th ELTPDW April 18, 2018 and cake cutting ceremony. Head of Staff Development Committee and Head of Organizing Committee of 4th ELTPDW Mr Faisal Shamali started the celebration saying “ Success is everyone’s mission. Life is full of challenges and opportunities, but only for those who actually struggle to grab the opportunities and overcome the challenges. Hard work and dedication are the only mantra in the journey to success” Then Dr Sultan Al Ghafri, Head of ELC and Chairperson of 4th ELTPDW started his speech” Without being passionate and the willingness to work hard, no one can achieve success. We share here different samples of successes that will help all of us in making an impressive future to the ELC” then The head of Staff Development Committee honoured Dr Sultan the shield of the 4th ELTPDW.


Thursday, 17 May 2018 00:00 Written by in ELC TAGS

Ms.Badour Al-Hinai participated in the Open Day activities as presenter a Ibri School, on April 24, 2018. She conducted a workshop on "Designing Videos to Enhance Learning" for school teachers. A number of school teachers attended this workshop. The object of this workshop was to train school teachers in using modern technology for effective teaching and learning. She highlighted the importance of using technology especially videos, in teaching and learning. The teachers can design their own videos and utilize them effectively in the class. It saves their time, enhances students’ interest and motivation, and improves their practical skills. Last but not the least, teachers can achieve the desired learning outcomes. The participants of this workshop got innovative ideas from this activity.



The ELC organized a tremendous and flashy awarding ceremony for the top three achievers of each level in Foundation and Post-foundation students on 8 of May 2018. Since the respected head of ELC, Dr. Sultan concerns a lot in engaging students in the various activities and occasions, the ELC Students’ Activities Committee has prepared and trained more than 7 students to run the ceremony. The event received satisfactory feedbacks and compliments from the assistant dean, Mr. Younis and all the teachers who participated in the ceremony. The top achievers were awarded by the sponsor of the event, Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah Al Manthari, Assistant dean and Dr. Sultan. The employees of the month including Mr. Faisal Alshamali (February) Dr. Mohsen Amiri (March) and Ms. Maha Aldarei (April) were also awarded with the certificates. At the end of the ceremony, five students of the English Society appreciated Dr. Sultan for his outstanding efforts for the ELC with their notes.



In order to develop a new strategic plan (SP) for the next five years, the QAU of Ibri College of Technology suggested conducting a SWOT analysis in all departments on the Goals (of college) and Criteria (of ISAA). Taking this as an initiation, the Engineering Department conducted SWOT analysis sessions on 23, 25 and 26 April 2018. To carry out the SWOT analysis, staff members were distributed into eight groups, one per table. Members of each table carried out the SWOT analysis on the goal and criteria assigned to the concerned table. Overall, all the staff grouped into eight separate tables participated with dynamism, carried out an effective analysis and provided their suggestions through presentations in the form of reports that were provided for each table. Getting motivated by the suggestions and past experiences of HoD and HoS’s, the SWOT analysis sessions yielded a fruitful outcome for developing a new SP (2018-2023).



The Project Committee, in association with the Research Committee and Staff Development Committee, conducted an orientation programme named, “Research Concepts and Elements of Research Proposal” on 26 April 2018 in Lab2 in the Department of Information Technology from 10:15am to 11:40am. The programme was well delivered by Dr Duhai Al Shukaili. It was attended by 13 Staff members of the IT department.

Ibri College of Technology organised the seventh annual students gathering programme from 4 to 6 March 2018.  Students from all CoTs participated in the programme and shared their experience on social services and voluntary work. Competitions were conducted on social services and Oman traditional practices.
As a part of the programme, on 5 March 2018, Ministry of Civil Defence authorities exhibited the devices and equipment used during fire and flood emergencies and gave a presentation on the importance of road safety. In the presentation, they briefed about the primary cause of accidents, collisions due to poor driving, the qualities of good drivers and a safety list.  In the exhibition, safety awareness programme of the rescue of a victim of a car accident was demonstrated. 

Operating procedure of road traffic accident rescue:

  • Reaching the spot
  • Placing accident warning signs
  • Assessing the risk
  • Positioning of recovery equipment
  • Checking of hazards
  • Ensuring personal safety (Wearing the visible jacket)
  • Dealing with the casualty by casualty responders 
  • Transfer of the injured person (Ambulance)
  • Clear and leave the accident zone in safe condition for use

During the demonstration, the expert members of Civil Defence demonstrated the procedure of recovering people inside the vehicle by using different tools and devices like spreader, cutter and lifting equipment. They also demonstrated safety procedures to be followed while using hydraulic and compressed air tools during recovery. 
Students highly benefited from the presentation and demonstration.


The Engineering Department of Ibri College of Technology held its very first Alumni Gathering on Thursday, 5 April 2018 from 10:30am to 2:30pm, in the Multi-Purpose Hall.

To ensure the attendance of alumni, a number of staff members were tasked to call and contact them personally.  Also, the alumni contacted were encouraged to communicate with their friends and classmates to spread the invitation, in addition to the posted announcements and invitations sent via WhatsApp, published in the College website, as well as Facebook posts.  These efforts reaped a good turn up of at least 33 alumni present, and some of them even applied for leave from their work to be here. 

The Business Studies Department, represented by Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti, participated in the First National Symposium on “Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Oman” on Monday, 16 April 2018, at Muscat College. The symposium consisted of three main sessions. In the opening session, the keynote speaker, Ms. Sharifa Al Barami, Managing Director, Oman Technology Fund, gave a speech on the key elements that make both entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial eco-systems successful.