Adopting new technologies is one of the core objectives of this IbriCT. In line with this, the Learning Resource Committee in collaboration with Staff Research and Consultancy Committee - Department of Business studies - conducted a Workshop on ‘Turnitin’ (Software to check plagiarism) for its members on 5th October 2017.

Mr. Abdullah Al Shukaili – HOC, ETC was the chief presenter at the workshop. He enlightened the members on how to use Turnitin to check for plagiarism on students output in the form of assignment, and other materials.

Thursday, 12 October 2017 00:00 Written by in Business Studies TAGS

The Learning Resource Committee had organized the training sessions for the students in the Female Free Access Lab on 18th, 25th and 27th of September, for different batches of Business Studies students, on how to log-in to the new e-learning Moodle, how to enroll themselves in the courses allotted to them on e-learning respectively.

They were also explained as to how to submit their assignments through e-Learning and interact with their course teachers using forums and emails.

Monday, 02 October 2017 00:00 Written by in Business Studies TAGS

The IT Department at Ibri College of Technology has conducted a Course Projection Orientation Program held on 21st September 2017 at 10 AM in the VIP Hall. The main purpose of this program is to motivate and create awareness about student project among students.

Thursday, 28 September 2017 00:00 Written by in IT TAGS

A representative from Huawei Oman, Mr. Malik Al-Wahebe, came to visit the College and the Engineering Department on September 27, 2017. A program was arranged for our students and a few staff members in attendance. He presented their company, Huawei, and announced the Huawei ICT Skills Competition for Middle East this year and encouraged the students to participate in it.

This branch of Huawei linked and collaborated with the Telecommunication Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Manpower, and Ministry of Higher Education to conduct the ICT Skills Competition for all the Colleges of Technology and some select academic institutions. They will select the students that will represent the Sultanate of Oman in the Global Competition, in China later this year.

Wednesday, 04 October 2017 00:00 Written by in Engineering TAGS

The Staff development committee of the Engineering department in association with the E-learning committee organized a presentation called, “Exploring the Advantages of E-learning”, on October 12, 2017 from 2.00 to 3.00 PM at the Free Access lab of the Engineering Department. This program was aimed at creating awareness about the various advantages of E-learning and to enable staff to utilize E-learning effectively and efficiently.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017 00:00 Written by in Engineering TAGS

Hospitals need blood every day for transfusions to save patients who are under surgery or victims of accidents or in emergency conditions. As a part of a blood donation drive, IbriCT organized blood donation camps on September 25, and October 3, 2017, in association with Ministry of Health. Twenty-nine units of blood have been donated by staff and students.

The E-Learning committee of the English Language Centre organized a workshop on how to use E- Learning for foundation students on Tuesday, October 10 and Wednesday, October 11, 2017, at different timings in the Lecture Theatre, Engineering building. Ms. Budoor, Lecturer, ELC conducted the workshop for all the four levels of the foundation programme.

Monday, 16 October 2017 00:00 Written by in ELC TAGS

The English Language Centre conducted a two-day orientation program on academic advising and counselling at the VIP Room of Ibri College of Technology on October 9 and October 10, 2017.

The first session comprised of 28 students from levels 3 and 4 while the following session was attended by 48 students from levels 1 and 2. The said attendees were chosen according to their academic performance and attendance last semester.

Sunday, 15 October 2017 00:00 Written by in ELC TAGS

The OJT committee of Business Department, IBRI college of technology has conducted a Guest lecture on “Addressing Learning Gaps through OJT” as part of its Induction Program on 8th Oct 2017 in lecture theatre from 10 AM to 12 Noon. Mr. Ismail Saif Salem Al Shmali, Director Oman Chamber of Commerce, Al-Dahira region was the chief guest of the programme. Mr. Younus Al Zaabi (Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs), Dr. Mohammed Abed (Head of Business Department), Mr. Zaid Al Badi (College level OJT coordinator) and Lecturers of Business Studies Department along with their class students were present at the event.

Thursday, 12 October 2017 00:00 Written by in Business Studies TAGS

A batch of sixteen-advanced diploma – Electrical Power Engineering students and one faculty coordinator visited the industry Be’ah, an Oman Environmental Services Holding Company on October 1, 2017 from 10 am to 12 noon.

Mr. Nasir Al-Mawli, the Head of operations, addressed the students and introduced the land-sill site. Its objective being the reduction of carbon emission. The company works as per the International Standards of US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) & International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Sunday, 08 October 2017 00:00 Written by in Engineering TAGS